Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 College Catalog 
2018-2019 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduation and Awards


Eligibility for graduation requires the completion of one of the programs of study, as outlined within the Programs and Course Requirements section of this catalog, with an overall minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (at least a “C” average) for all courses taken at Kingsborough Community College, passing scores on, or exemption from, all CUNY Assessment Tests, a passing grade in a Writing Intensive course, and, effective Fall 2013, the completion of a minimum of two (2) civic engagement experiences before graduation. Some departments also require a minimum grade point average for specific courses; refer to the Programs and Course Requirements section of this catalog for degree requirements.

Students can review their progress towards graduation on-line anytime by checking the Student Advisement Degree Audit by accessing http://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/sub-registration/office_of_registrar/Pages/degree_works.aspx

Each of the three graduation filing periods (for an August, January, or June degree) has a deadline. In order to graduate and be issued a diploma, all students must file an application for graduation by the deadline given in the Academic Calendar during the current filing period so their records can be reviewed. The student must be matriculated during their last term of attendance at Kingsborough Community College. Students cannot matriculate for the winter or summer modules. An online application is available only to students currently enrolled. To file online once the filing period opens go to CUNYfirst, Academics, Student Center.

In order to receive a Kingsborough degree, a student is required to have completed the final 30 credits toward that degree while enrolled at Kingsborough. Where one or more credit-bearing courses to be included in this sum are to be earned at another institution, prior permission must be obtained from the Committee on Academic Review. Each request for permission will be considered case-by-case on the merits of the individual circumstances. No permission will be granted if the total of the course credits result in less than 30 Kingsborough credits completed for the degree.

A graduate whose cumulative grade point average is between 3.50 and 4.00 shall be graduated with honors. The term “With Honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted in the commencement program.

Annual Awards

Annual awards are given to graduating students who achieve academic excellence in their various disciplines, and to students who give outstanding service to the college through student government and other student activities. The Faculty Committee on Awards administers the annual Awards Program. The Awards Ceremony is part of the two-day Commencement Exercises at Kingsborough and is usually held in the evening before Commencement. Families and friends of the awardees are invited to the annual Awards Ceremony to share in the celebration of the students’ success.

The Faculty Committee on Awards also selects the valedictorian. All students who have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 4.00 and have no more than 12 transfer credits accepted to Kingsborough are invited to audition for the valedictorian speech.

For students who are graduating and beginning to apply to four-year colleges, contact the Transfer Success Center in M-101 or call at 718-368-4911 for information on transfer scholarship opportunities offered by four-year colleges.

Honors and Phi Theta Kappa students are urged to contact the Honor’s House in M-377 or call 718-368-5365 for prestigious scholarships.

Academic Awards

For information about Academic Awards, contact the Department Chair that is presenting the award.

Department of Art:

Fine Arts Award
Graphic Design and Illustration Award

Department of Behavioral Sciences:

Behavioral Sciences Award
Chemical Dependency Counseling Award
Early Childhood Education Award
Education Studies Award
Mental Health and Human Services Program Award
Substance Abuse Counseling Certificate Award

Department of Biological Sciences:

Biological Sciences Department Award
Biotechnology Award
Physical Therapist Assistant Program Award
Dr. Carol Biermann Endowed Scholarship Award for Excellence in Biological Sciences

Department of Business:

Accounting Program Award
Business Administration Program Award
Fashion Design Award
McGarvey Business and Service Award
Maxine McGarvey Scholarship Award
Office Administration and Technology Award
Retail Merchandising Program Award
Murray Rothenburg Scholarship Award
Mark and Laurie Seruya and Mark and Gina Levy Endowed Scholarship Award

Department of Communications and Performing Arts:

Communications Award (Funded in Memory of Amy Bergenfeld)
Media Technology and Management Award
Speech Communications Award Theater Arts Award

Department of English:

English Award
Journalism and Print Media Program Award

Department of Foreign Language:

Foreign Language Award
Hebrew/Yiddish Award (Funded in Memory of Louis Milrod)

Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation:

Community Health Program Award
Exercise/Personal Training Program Award
Health, Physical Education and Recreation Award
Physical Education Program Award
Recreation and Recreation Therapy Award

Department of History, Philosophy and Political Science:

History Studies Award
Dr. Bernard Klein Memorial Award for Excellence in History, Philosophy, and Political Science
Philosophy Studies Award
Political Science Award
Lawrence Suss Memorial Award for Excellence in History, Philosophy, and Political Science

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science:

Computer Information Systems Award
Computer Science Program Award
Mathematics Program Award
Mu Alpha Theta Scholarship Award

Department of Nursing:

Nursing Scholastic Award
Paramedic Program Award
Surgical Technology Award

Department of Physical Sciences:

Chemistry Award
Earth and Planetary Science Award
Engineering Science Award
Physics Program Award

Department of Student Development:

New Start Program (Funded by Chase Philanthropies)

Department of Tourism and Hospitality:

Culinary Arts Program Award
Maritime Technology Award
Tourism and Hospitality Award
Virtual Enterprise Award (In Memory of Jeffrey Ladman)


Dr. Francis Kralijic-Curran Liberal Arts Scholarship
Women’s Studies Program Award

Special Awards

For information about Special Awards, contact the Executive Director of Enrollment Management and Financial Aid.

Gladys Brooks Foundation Scholarship Endowment for Student Leadership and Academic Excellence
Creative Writing Scholarship Award
CUNY EDGE Awards for Academic Excellence
Joan De Freitas Endowed Scholarship
Israel and Julia Glasser Scholarship for Political Science
James Goetz Endowed Scholarship
Robert Lawrence and Karen Denard Goldman Community Health Endowed Scholarship Award
Rachelle Goldsmith College Now Program Award
Leon M. Goldstein Scholarship Award for Academic Excellence and Community Service
Patricia Hazelwood Spirit of Community Health Award
Otis Hill Scholarship
Honors Curriculum Strand in Nursing Achievement Certificate
Honors Program Award
Karen Karlin G.E.D. Scholarship
Saul W. Katz Endowed Scholarship Fund
KCC Alumni Association Scholarship Award
Charlotte Keller Marmaros Scholarship for Promising Professionals in Gerontology
Gerry Kenney Fund for Outdoor Writers
Lucille Nieporent Memorial Award
Nursing Alumni Scholarship for Excellence in Service to Others
Regina S. Peruggi Endowed Scholarship
President’s Award for Distinguished Scholarship
Presidential Honors Scholars Certificate
Retirees Scholarship Award
Harry Ritchin Memorial Scholarship for Promising Professionals in Geriatrics
Science Scholars Award (Funded in Honor of Dean Thelma Malle)
David B. Silver Scholarship Award
Millie and Maurice Singer Scholarship Award
Student Leadership Service Award
Valedictorian Award (Funded in Memory of Fred F. Addes)
WAVE Scholarship Awards

Student Services Awards:

Certificate of Recognition
Bronze Awards
Silver Awards
Gold Awards

Special Service Awards:

Childcare Center Memorial Service Award
Library Award
Anthony F. Russo Student Leadership Service Award
Student Ambassador Service Award
Student Service Award