Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 College Catalog 
2018-2019 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Examinations and Grades



Mid-term status is provided orally by instructors and it is not entered on the permanent record.


Students are responsible for meeting examination schedules. The final examination schedule is available on the college’s website by approximately the ninth week of the session or the fourth week of the module. Students who have a conflict with a final examination schedule must immediately report to the Registrar’s Office, A-101, for rescheduling. Students can access their final grades online via their CUNYfirst account.

Makeup Final

Students who miss final examinations for legitimate reasons may apply for makeup examinations. Generally, permission is granted only to students who maintain passing grades up to the final examination period. For each makeup examination, a Petition for Final Makeup Examination form with the instructor’s signature must be completed and received in the Registrar’s Office by the deadline date on the Academic Calendar. Refer to the Required Fees section under Tuition and Fees in this catalog to determine applicable fees.


Grades indicate how well a student is doing academically. They deserve careful attention as evidence of good progress and as an indication of the need for counseling and/or for increased effort.

Standard Grades

Students receive an official grade for each course at the end of each session and module. This becomes part of the permanent record. The standard grades are:

Kingsborough Community College


Grade Definition
A+, A, A- Excellent
B+, B, B- Good
C+, C, Satisfactory
C-, D+, D Passing
F Failure


Grade Quality Points Grade Quality Points
A+ 4.0 C+ 2.3
A 4.0 C 2.0
A- 3.7 C- 1.7
B+ 3.3 D+ 1.3
B 3.0 D 1.0
B- 2.7 F 0.0


INC Doing passing work, but missing an assignment or an examination; changes to a “FIN” if work is not made up by the 10th week of the next 12-week session
FIN Failure as a result of an Incomplete
NC Minimum level of proficiency not met for certain specific compensatory courses.
P Passed, but course not counted in computing cumulative average
R Minimum level of proficiency not met for developmental courses
S High-level of proficiency in MAT M200  course in effect prior to Fall 2018
W Withdrew officially
WA Withdrawn administratively due to immunization noncompliance
WD Withdrew Drop, a grade assigned when a student who has attended at least one class session drops a class after the Financial Aid Certification Date during the program adjustment period
WN Withdrawn/never attended; a non-punitive grade
*WN Withdrawn/never attended; counts as failure (in effect prior to Fall 2010)
WU Withdrew unofficially; counts as failure
Y Yearly course; grade assigned at the end of year
Z Instructor did not submit grade in effect prior to Fall 2018
# This course has been successfully completed in a subsequent semester and is not calculated in the cumulative average (Examples: #F, #WU)

Incomplete (“INC”) Grade

The grade of “INC” (Incomplete) is assigned only when the course requirement has not been completed for good and sufficient reasons and where there is a reasonable expectation that the student can complete the requirements for the course.

Withdrawal (“W”) Grade

The grade of “W” (Withdrawal Without Penalty) is applied when the student has submitted a Withdrawal Form to the Registrar’s Office by the due date listed on the College’s Academic Calendar.

Repeat (“R”) Grade

The grade of “R” does not count in computing the scholastic index. It is given to a student in a developmental course who does not meet the minimum requirements at the completion of the session or module. A student who receives the “R” grade in the same developmental component three (3) times will NOT be permitted to repeat that course again.

“S” Grade

The “S” grade does not count in computing the scholastic index. It is assigned when a student has a minimum grade of 88 on the CUNY Elementary Algebra Final Exam (CEAFE). The student must also have an overall class average of 85.

Grade Change Appeals

Students may appeal a final grade to the Committee for Academic Review NO LATER than the end of the term following the term in which the grade was given. The term is defined as fall/winter or spring/summer. For example, students wishing to appeal grades assigned during the fall/winter term must file an appeal no later than the end of the following spring/summer term. Likewise, students wishing to appeal grades assigned during the spring/summer term must file an appeal no later than the end of the following fall/winter term. Students interested in filing an appeal can complete the appeal form at the following link http://www3.kingsborough.edu/Pages/IntakeRequest.aspx.

Calculating the Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is obtained by multiplying the grade point value by the number of credits for the course, then totaling the grade points and dividing by total credits. See the Official Grading System above for grade point values.

Course Grade Point Value   Credits Grade Points
English A- 3.7 X 4 = 14.8
French D 1.0 X 3 = 3.0
Music C+ 2.3 X 3 = 6.9
Physics B+ 3.3 X 4 = 13.2
History F 0.0 X 3 = 0.0

Grade Point Average (37.9 quality points divided by 17 credits) equals 2.23, or almost a “C+” average.

Repeating Courses

Students may register to repeat a course if they received an “F,” “W,” “R,” “NC,” “WN,” or “WU” grade. Effective September 1, 1990, if a student repeats a course in which an “F” or an administrative failing grade (“WU”) was originally earned and subsequently earns a passing grade of “C” or better in the same course, the original failing grade will remain on the student’s transcript but will no longer be computed into the grade point average. The total number of failing credits earned during enrollment in CUNY which may be deleted is 16. Students who wish to replace an “F” grade earned before September 1, 1984 must first receive approval from the Committee on Academic Review. Appeals may be filed in A-228.

A course in which a grade of “C-” or below was received may be repeated only if a more advanced course in that discipline has not been completed. Students who receive a “C” grade or better in any course offered at the college MAY NOT REPEAT that course.

The regulations above do NOT apply to students in the EMS-Paramedic, Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Polysomnographic Technology, or Surgical Technology programs. These programs have their own grade regulations.

Maintenance of Academic Standards*

Scholastic Standing

The measure of scholastic standing is based on the number of graded credits and/or equated credits taken and the grades received.

The following table is used when evaluating a student’s academic progress.

Attempted Credits
or Equated Credits
Minimum Cumulative
12 to 23 ½ 1.50
24 to 35 ½ 1.75
36 and over 2.00

Students who fail to achieve these standards will be placed on probation for one term, and if unable to correct their deficiencies during that term, will be dismissed from the college. Students who receive financial aid must maintain these standards. The normal academic appeals procedure of the college will continue to consider individual cases and to make such exceptions to the implementation of these guidelines as unusual circumstances may warrant.

*Kingsborough Community College Council action

Appeal for Reinstatement Process

Students who are dismissed from the college for academic reasons may appeal to the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing for readmission after one term. Students should pay the required readmission application fee and submit the completed readmission application, along with a letter of appeal documenting the reason for poor scholarship addressed to the College Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing, to the Registrar’s Office, A-101. Consult the College’s web page for readmission deadlines; applications should be filed early since readmission deadlines are well before the start of the upcoming term.

If the Committee believes the records indicate that the student will be able to make satisfactory progress toward earning the degree within a reasonable period of time, the student may be readmitted. If at the end of the spring term of readmission, the student’s academic level has not been raised to CUNY’s standards, nor has adequate progress in achieving the appropriate standards been shown, the student will be dismissed. The College reserves the right to revise the academic dismissal policy as deemed necessary.

Forgiveness Policy

Students who have been out of Kingsborough for a period of five (5) years or more and whose grade point average was below 2.00 may be readmitted in good academic standing by appealing to the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing. Any prior failing grades, while still reflected in their record, would not be calculated in their grade point average to determine their standing. These students would be readmitted as students on academic probation. The forgiveness policy will be applied only once to a student’s academic record.