Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 College Catalog 
2018-2019 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

Academic Information

Developmental Courses

Developmental courses are specifically designed and required for students who have not passed the CUNY Assessment Tests in Reading, Writing, and ACCUPLACER CUNY Assessment Test in Math. Developmental courses are non-credit (zero credits).

Basic Courses

Basic courses are courses that individual Kingsborough departments feel are essential for college students so that they may learn the fundamental and basic concepts of a discipline. Some basic courses require prerequisite courses or departmental permission. This is indicated within the course description.

Advanced Courses

Advanced courses are courses that individual Kingsborough departments feel are important as follow-up courses to explore, either in breadth or depth, the areas of knowledge to which students have been introduced while taking the basic courses.

Cross-Listed Course

A cross-listed course is one that is offered by more than one discipline or department, but has the same content and in which students should expect to have the same or similar experience. An example is MAT 9100 - Biostatistics /BIO 9100 - Biostatistics .

Equated Credits

Weekly class hours in developmental courses for which credit is not given are, for certain purposes, counted as equated credits. For example:

MAT M100  4 hours 0 credits AND 4 equated credits
MAT M200  4 hours 0 credits AND 4 equated credits


Credits are points granted for courses taken at the college. The number of credits is usually based on one credit for each weekly class hour. In some cases, the number of required hours may exceed the number of credits granted (e.g., science and physical education courses). For example:

CHM 1200   6 hours 4 credits
HIS 1100   3 hours 3 credits
PEC 2000   2 hours 1 credit

Course Load

Matriculated students register for a specific degree in a particular curriculum or plan. To be considered a full-time student, a student must enroll in a program of study carrying a minimum of 12 credits and/or 12 equated credits during the fall and spring terms. Part-time students carry fewer than 12 credits and/or equated credits.

While it is possible to carry a full-time evening program, not all Kingsborough degree programs are available for full-time evening study. Non-department required degree courses can be used for necessary basic courses and credits before completing department requirements in the day session. Advisors are available for consultation.

Prerequisite Requirements

A course or test that one must pass, or skills set that is required, before enrolling in a basic course or more advanced course.

Corequisite Requirements

A course that must be taken at the same time that you enroll in a particular course and in conjunction with that course.

Pre-/Corequisite Requirements

Courses that can be completed before enrolling in a particular course, or at the same time as a particular course.

Student Attendance Policy

A student who has been absent 15% of the total number of instructional hours that a class meets during a session or module may be considered excessively absent by the instructor. The instructor may consider excessive absences as a factor in the assignment of a student’s grade.

Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Instructors usually distribute a syllabus on the first day of class that identifies student learning goals and objectives, and lists the requirements of the course. He or she will choose approaches to teaching that are designed to help you meet these outcomes, and will assess how well you have achieved them through exams and/or assignments, as appropriate to the course.

Types of Courses

Independent Study

The college offers students the opportunity to take a limited number of credits outside the traditional course structure as Independent Study, designated by the course number “8100.” Students registering for such courses undertake a prescribed program of individual and/or group research and may attend seminars or workshops dealing with their field of study. All work will be conducted under the supervision of the assigned instructor and will be evaluated and graded by the instructor.

Successful completion of the “8100” courses generally requires from one (1) to three (3) hours per week and earns from one (1) to three (3) credits per term. These courses are open ONLY to upper freshmen and sophomore students who have an overall “B” average (3.00 grade point average) in the subject area, with departmental approval. Students will be permitted to take no more than six (6) credits of Independent Study in any one area and no more than 12 credits toward the degree.

Learning Communities

Learning Communities, cohorts of 25 or fewer students, enroll during a term in anywhere from two to five courses that are linked together. These courses are linked around a common theme and students are encouraged to think in an integrative way. Faculty teaching these courses collaborate with each other, as well as with advisors, librarians, and tutors, in order to offer students additional support.

Research has shown that students who participate in learning communities are more successful in completing courses and obtaining their degrees, and students report better connections to faculty and with each other. Kingsborough offers a variety of learning communities, which may include a Freshman Year Seminar (SD 1000) or an Integrative Seminar. For English as a Second Language (ESL) students, the accelerated College English program (ACE) offers students a year-long learning community experience in which students can earn eight (8) credits in the first session.

Topical and Pilot Courses

In addition to the courses described in the catalog, the college offers a group of courses that meet the immediate needs and interests of various members of the student population or gauge the appropriateness or popularity of new subject areas. These topical and pilot courses are designated by the course number “8200.” These courses appear as listed in CUNYfirst for the term in which they are offered.

College Credits Assigned for Instructional Hours

Kingsborough Community College complies with New York State Department of Education, Middle States Commission on Higher Education and U.S. Department of Education definitions and standards of credit hours assigned to instruction. The College assigns credits based on the hours and mode of instruction (whether instruction is delivered as a lecture, in a classroom, laboratory or studio setting, or through an out-of-classroom field or clinical experience). In all cases where the hours assigned per credit differ from the standards of practice, the hours exceed the number of credits, and are based on the practice of a particular discipline and subject matter at this college or are compliant with individual professional or accreditation standards.

The College utilizes the Carnegie Unit to define one semester credit. The Carnegie semester credit is equivalent to a minimum of one hour (defined as 50 minutes) of instructional work plus two hours (100 minutes) of individual work per week per semester. This is based on a 15-week semester. Based on its 12-week semester, Kingsborough Community College defines a credit hour as 60 minutes per week plus a session (typically two hours) for a final examination in the 13th week. In a 12-week semester out of class time is two hours and five minutes per credit per week. Thus, for example, a three credit course would require six hours and fifteen minutes of individual work per week.

Kingsborough Community College encourages experimentation and innovation in the delivery of instruction, which may result in occasional variations in credits assigned for instructional hours of a course. Additional instructional hours may be assigned in coursework identified to be critical for academic progress. The rationale for assigning credits for instructional hours for every course offered for college credit is reviewed and approved by College Council.

College Credits Assigned by Instructional Mode


Courses that meet to engage multiple students in various forms of direct faculty instruction. For example:

Credits Awarded 1 credit
Minimum Instructional Time (60 minutes per week):
  Per 12-Week Session 720 minutes
  Per Final 120 minutes
    Session Total (12 weeks + Final): 840 minutes

Credits Awarded 3 credits
Minimum Instructional Time (180 minutes per week):
  Per 12-Week Session 2160 minutes
  Per Final 120 minutes
    Session Total (12 weeks + Final): 2280 minutes


Courses that focus primarily on experiential activities that support student learning and are under the direct supervision of a faculty member in a laboratory setting. Minimum contact time is based on two (2) times the amount of contact time of a lecture (2:1). For example:

Credits Awarded 1 credit
Minimum Lab Instructional Time (120 minutes per week):  
  Per 12-Week Session 1440 minutes
  Per Final 120 minutes
    Session Total (12 weeks + Final): 1560 minutes

Credits Awarded 4 credits
Minimum Lab Instructional Time (480 minutes per week):  
  Per 12-Week Session 5760 minutes
  Per Final 120 minutes
    Session Total (12 weeks + Final): 5880 minutes

Laboratory hours per credit in health care related disciplines are assigned according to the standards for these disciplines at this college or to comply with accreditation requirements.

Independent Study

Courses that permit a student to study under an instructor’s guidance a subject or topic in depth beyond the scope of a regular course. The instructor regularly interacts with the student and directs student outcomes with periodic and final evaluation by the instructor. Minimum credit hours (corresponding to one [1] to three [3] credits) are determined based on faculty instructional contact minutes and student outside work. Such courses match the amount of time and work using the examples above.


Courses taught as applied study on a private or semi-private basis. In the visual arts, instructional hours in studio settings are assigned four (4) hours of work per week for three (3) credits in recognition of the experiential, creative, skills-building nature of the work. In performance disciplines, hours are assigned according to the demands of the specific work, such as work on theatre, video or digital productions.

Professional Field/Clinical Placement

Courses developed for job related or practical skills in a particular discipline. These courses allow for observation, participation, and field work, and are generally offered off-campus at an approved site. Components of this type of instruction include a combination of supervised time by approved experts outside the college, student assignments, and time supervised by a college instructor.

Where the work takes place in out-of-classroom professional field or clinical settings, credits are assigned to instructional hours in order to accommodate the requirements of each field. At least one (1) classroom hour per week is assigned to out-of-classroom courses for work with the course instructor.


A “blended” course composed of both online learning and classroom learning. Courses may be designated “Partially Online” where up to 32% is online, or “Hybrid” where 33% to 80% is online. (Courses which are 100% face-to-face with some course content or assignments online are designated “Web-Enhanced.”)

Credit hours are equivalent to courses that are delivered completely through face-to-face modality using the examples listed above.

Online (Asynchronous)

Courses offered entirely online and without any required face-to-face class meetings. Courses may be designated “Online” in which 80% but less than 100% is online, or “Fully Online” where 100% (including all exams) are online.

Courses should be consistent in terms of quality, assessment, learning outcomes, requirements, etc. as courses offered face-to-face. Students are expected to be academically engaged through means which would include, but are not limited to, submitting an academic assignment, taking an examination, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction, attending a virtual study group assigned by the instructor, contributing to an academic online discussion, and engaging in contact with the faculty member and class peers related to the academic subject of the course.

Credit hours are equivalent to courses that are delivered completely through face-to-face modality using the examples listed above.

Accelerated Courses

Courses offered outside a standard 12-week session in which the credit hours offered are the same as the standard session courses. The content and substantive learning outcomes are the same as those in the standard session.

Accelerated courses must meet the total amount of instructional and student work time as the examples above even if delivered in an accelerated format.