Sep 15, 2024  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic (EMS-P), A.A.S.

HEGIS: 5299.00
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Prof. Osama Mansour


The Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic (EMS-P) AAS degree prepares students with the professional training and hands-on experience for a career as a Paramedic. The degree provides a balance of general education courses and introduces students to the theory and practice of the Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic field through classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences. The curriculum provides students with the knowledge of roles and responsibilities within the EMS system, addresses medical/legal and ethical issues, the integration of scene and patient assessment findings, application of the principles of public health and epidemiology including public health emergencies, health promotion, and illness and injury prevention, and the formulation of treatment plans intended to mitigate emergencies and improve the overall health of the patient.  Students are eligible for licensure exam(s) after the successful completion of the course of study presented in this degree program.

The curriculum presented here applies to students who started the major in Fall 2022 or Spring 2023. If you enrolled as a matriculant prior to that, please see the College Catalog for the year you started the major as a matriculant for the curriculum requirements that apply to you.

Consultation with the Program Advisor is required.

Click here for information about the Admission and Retention Criteria for the Emergency Medical Services Program  

Degree Map:

Degree Map for Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic (EMS-P), A.A.S.   

Your Degree Map contains the suggested term-by-term course sequence for your academic path towards graduation. 

To ensure successful and timely completion of your degree, it is recommended that you meet with your academic advisor to discuss your unique map. 

Please note some courses may only be offered once an academic year.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the Emergency Medical Services – Paramedic (EMS-P) degree program requirements, graduates will:

  1. understand his/her roles and responsibilities as an entry-level paramedic within an EMS system, and how these roles/responsibilities differ from other levels of providers
  2. integrate comprehensive knowledge of EMS systems, safety/well-being of the paramedic and medical/legal and ethical issues, which is intended to improve the health of EMS personnel, patients, and the community
  3. integrate scene and patient assessment findings with knowledge of epidemiology and pathophysiology to form a field impression and treatment/disposition plan for a patient with special needs and patients of all ages
  4. apply fundamental knowledge of principles of public health and epidemiology including public health emergencies, health promotion, and illness and injury prevention.
  5. integrate comprehensive knowledge of pharmacology to formulate a treatment plan intended to mitigate emergencies and improve the overall health of the patient.

College Requirements:

English and Math proficient as determined by the CUNY Proficiency Index, unless otherwise exempt, or successful completion of any required developmental course(s).

Civic Engagement Experiences:

One (1) Civic Engagement experience satisfied by Civic Engagement Certified or Civic Engagement Component course or approved outside activity.

Writing Intensive Requirement:

One (1) Writing Intensive Course  in any discipline is required. 

Required Core (4 Courses, 13 Credits):

When Required Core Courses are specified for a category, they are required for the major

Flexible Core (2 Courses, 7 Credits):

The following two (2) courses are required in the major and also satisfy CUNY Flexible and Required Core, Scientific World (Group E) requirement:

E. Scientific World Designated Course*


0 credits sufficient to meet required total of 60 credits


* This program has a waiver to require particular courses in the Common Core, otherwise more than the minimum credits for the degree may be necessary.

Total Credits: 60