Feb 14, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Policies and Procedures

The consideration of transfer credit is determined by course equivalencies, including expected learning outcomes, with those of the College’s curricula and standards. Kingsborough Community College applies the guidelines listed below in order to award academic credit for prior learning.

Transfer Policies:

Advanced Standing Credit

A maximum of 30* credits will be accepted toward degree completion through the combined options of testing and course transfer, provided that each course was completed with a satisfactory grade; the course content is equivalent to a Kingsborough course; and the course is appropriate to the student’s graduation requirements.

*45 credits for students who are enrolled in Kingsborough Community College’s Department of Education (DOE) - approved fully online Liberal Arts program. 

Awarded Credit

Credit will be awarded for courses from a regionally accredited non-CUNY college in which the grade earned was “C” or better. In those cases where a grade of “C-” carries two quality points on a four point scale, transfer credit will be granted. Courses with a grade value of “pass” or “satisfactory” will be accepted as transfer credits when the transcript states that a “pass” or “satisfactory” is equivalent to a “C” or above. All passing grades are accepted from CUNY colleges.

Transfer courses will be awarded credit with no grade value (quality points) assigned. Transfer credits approved by Kingsborough Community College are counted towards attempted and completed credits. Transfer credits are not counted towards the grade point average (GPA).

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Students may also earn academic credit through nationally recognized standardized examinations consistent with the CUNY Policy on Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).  Students must meet required minimum passing scores in order for credit to be awarded. 

Standardized Examinations

  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • Advanced International Certificate of Education Program (AICE)
  • Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DSST) (formerly DANTES)
  • Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Organization Diploma Program 

Awarding of credit for the above Standardized Examinations will count towards the transfer credit maximum of 30 credits.  Students requesting transfer credit should contact the Admissions Office, V-101, or call 718-368-4958.

Military Transfers

Kingsborough offers credit for knowledge and experience gained through military service, taking under advisement the credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide, Joint Services Transcript (JST), and the following Standardized Examinations, the nationally recognized Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Credit-by-Exam Program (DSST) and Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPT). 

American Council on Education

The American Council on Education (ACE) has faculty who review, evaluate and recommend college credit for courses and training offered at a wide range of institutions. The ACE website lists the participating organizations and the specific courses they recommend for college credit. To request the application of ACE recommended credits to your degree, have the institution where you took the course(s) send an official transcript which details the ACE recommendations.  ACE credit recommendations are taken under advisement when evaluating credit for non-collegiate learning. 

Documents from outside of the United States

Kingsborough does not evaluate foreign school documents or make admission decisions for international students; all foreign school documents are evaluated by the University Application Processing Center (UAPC). Once they have evaluated foreign documents, the Registrar’s Office at Kingsborough can conduct an evaluation of earned credits.

Pathways Transfer Policies for Common Core Courses

Once given, Common Core credit cannot be taken away, but a subsequent CUNY receiving college can designate additional completed courses as meeting Common Core requirements.

For within-CUNY transfers, the sending college will designate which of a student’s completed courses have fulfilled Common Core requirements on their campus. Receiving colleges cannot subtract from a student’s list of completed courses that fulfill the Common Core. Courses that were not included in the Common Core at the sending college but are equivalent to courses that fulfill Common Core requirements at the receiving college will be coded as fulfilling the requirement upon transfer. The receiving college may also evaluate additional courses not designated by the sending college as fulfilling Common Core requirements regardless of course equivalency based on an evaluation of whether the course meets the Pathways learning outcomes. In consultation with the student, the receiving college may change the Pathways requirement designation for a course to a different Pathways requirement designation, if doing so would be in a student’s best interest, and if the receiving college finds that the course meets the learning outcomes of the other Pathways area.

For transfers from outside CUNY, receiving colleges will evaluate courses in the context of the Common Core learning outcomes. Courses evaluated as fulfilling Common Core requirements by the first CUNY receiving college will maintain that designation if the student later transfers to another CUNY college. The second (or later) CUNY receiving college must accept Common Core designations as determined by the first CUNY college, but may also evaluate any additional courses not designated by the sending college as fulfilling Common Core requirements to assess whether these courses meet the second (or later) CUNY receiving college’s own requirements.

The rules above apply only to the evaluation of courses for the Common Core and not to any courses taken for the major or as electives. In the evaluation of credits for the major, each CUNY college will evaluate the courses if there are multiple transfers. Exception: Courses that have been designated as Gateway Courses into majors will be accepted for major credit and/or credit as prerequisites for that major at all CUNY colleges that offer that major. That designation will be accepted at any CUNY college to which the student might subsequently transfer.

Pathways Appeals 

Students can appeal to the Pathways Appeals Officer, located in A-228, for course reevaluation, following denial or restriction of transfer credit(s) for courses determined through their transfer credit evaluation.

If the appeal is denied by Kingsborough, the student can file an appeal to the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs (OAA).  Information concerning appeals to the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) can be found at the following website https://www.cuny.edu/academics/initiatives/pathways/rightsandresponsibilities/appealsprocess.html

Course Age

In general, courses will be considered for transferability regardless of their age. However, the Nursing program restricts the age of Biology courses to be less than 10 years.

Change of Curriculum

When submitting a Change of Status Application form to change your Plan/Major, you should also file an Application for Advanced Standing for the new Plan/Major to have your credits re-evaluated to fit the requirements of your new degree. These forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, A-101.

Developmental Courses

Developmental courses are not accepted as transferred courses. However, Math courses equivalent to Kingsborough’s Elementary Algebra, MAT M200 , course are shown on the transcript, with no credits earned, to ensure proper Math placement.

Second Degree Students

Students who have received an associate’s degree from Kingsborough may apply for a second degree from the College. Second degree applicants must file a transfer application at the Admissions Office. Applicants may be required to pay the application fee. Students pursuing a second degree are required to complete a minimum of 30 credits towards the current associate’s degree in residence.

Certificate Programs

Matriculated students may request transfer credits be evaluated. At least one-half of the total number of credits needed for the certificate must be taken in residence.

Transfer Procedures:

Transfer of Credits

Transfer students who have previously attended a college or other college-level post-secondary school must submit a Transfer Application along with an official transcript from each college or post-secondary school attended. If the applicant has earned less than 24 credits, an official high school transcript with date of graduation, or High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma attained either through successful completion of the General Education Development exam (G.E.D.) or Testing Assessment Secondary Completion (TASCTM) must also be provided.

Only official transcripts or score reports sent directly to Enrollment Services from the issuing institutions/organizations or delivered in a signed, sealed envelope will be reviewed. Facsimiles and/or unsealed documents are not considered official. Official documents for credits earned prior to admission should be submitted no later than the end of the first session or module of attendance to meet subsequent course prerequisites and provide for accurate academic planning for degree completion. External courses and exams completed while currently in attendance should be submitted as soon as possible.

Students who have transferred from Kingsborough Community College without earning an associate degree or certificate may complete program requirements by transferring back two (2) courses or eight (8) credits that have been successfully earned at other institutions and are approved as equivalent to the degree requirements of a program of study at the College, in accordance with the 30 credit maximum transfer credit policy noted above.

Appeal Procedures

It is possible that errors in the articulation of coursework or prior learning can occur. In the event a student believes that this has occurred, he or she should contact the Transfer Evaluation Team to discuss the evaluation results with a transfer evaluator and provide any additional documentation needed to assist with the review (e.g., an updated transcript or college catalog, syllabus, or other documentation from the sending institution).

If this issue has not been resolved, then the student can appeal to the Chairperson of the individual academic department to which the course belongs.

Transfer to Four-Year Colleges and Universities

CUNY Transfer Policy

If you have graduated from a CUNY community college and would like to apply to a CUNY four-year college, you must complete a Transfer Admission Application. Admission to a CUNY four-year college is guaranteed, although not necessarily to the program or college of your first choice, if you have earned an Associate in Arts, Associate in Sciences and Associate in Applied Sciences degree with a 2.00 cumulative grade point average or higher.

If you have graduated or will graduate as a part of the CUNY Justice Academy, you do not need to fill out a Transfer Admission Application; for more information visit http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/cuny-justice-academy

SUNY Transfer Policy

The SUNY Transfer Guarantee Program pledges that “A New York State resident who wishes to transfer from a State University of New York two-year college, including all community colleges throughout the state, and who possesses, or who will have, an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree at the time of transfer, is guaranteed an opportunity to continue education on a full-time basis at a senior campus of the University.” All other students, with or without a degree, may apply for admission to SUNY units but the guarantee does not extend to them. For more information visit www.suny.edu.  The SUNY Transfer Guarantee Program Policy can be found at the following link, https://www.suny.edu/sunypp/documents.cfm?doc_id=345#Policy

Private College Transfer Policies

Students who wish to transfer to a private college should check the websites, catalogs, and directories of the college they wish to attend.

Articulation Agreements

A transfer articulation agreement is a written contract between Kingsborough Community College and a four-year college or university that contains agreed upon courses or programs that will transfer over to that particular four-year institution. This is an assurance that if students complete courses or academic programs at Kingsborough with satisfactory grades (as specified by the receiving institutions), apply and are accepted to the four-year institution, those completed courses or programs will be applied toward the baccalaureate degree before transferring to a four-year college.

Kingsborough maintains, and continually updates and expands, its transfer articulation agreements; visit A-228 for further information about articulation agreements or go to the college website at https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/transartic/transfer_agreements.html