Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

Faculty and Instructional Staff

Suri Duitch
Interim President, B.A., M.S.W., Ph.D

Sharon Warren Cook
Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, B.A., M.S.W., Ph.D.

Andres Escobar
Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration, B.S., M.S.

Johana Rivera
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Communications, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.

Edwisimone Rodriguez
Vice President for Workforce Development and Strategic Community Partnerships, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Nancy Sanchez-Badillo
Vice President Institutional Advancement, A.A.S., B.A.Sc., M.A., Ed.D.

Cheryl Todmann
Vice President for Communications and Marketing, B.S.

Asif Hussain
Assistant Vice President for Information Technology, B.S., M.S.

Gavin Ireland
Interim Assistant Vice President for Enrollment, A.A.S., B.B.A., M.B.A.

Mary Dawson
Associate Provost and Dean of Health Programs, B.S., Ph.D.

Gordon Alley-Young
Dean of Faculty, B.A., M.A., M.A.L.S., Ph.D.

Yelena Bondar
Dean for Student Success Programs, B.A., M.A., Ed.D.

Colleen Davy
Dean, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness, B.A., Ph.D

Chanel Bishop
Assistant Dean for Advisement, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D.

Christine Zagari
Assistant Dean for Workforce Development and Continuing Education, B.F.S., M.A.

Nadine Browne
Executive Chief of Staff and Deputy to the President, B.A., M.P.A.

Beth Douglas
Executive Legal Counsel and Labor Designee, B.A., J.D.

Gila Rohr
Interim Executive Director of Human Resources, A.A.S., B.A.

Faculty and Instructional Staff

Denise Abarca, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator
B.S., York College

Sonia Abounaoum, Chief Senior College Laboratory Technician, Tourism and Hospitality

Sheby Abraham, Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
B.A., York College, M.S., College of Staten Island

Mina Abusafe, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Senior Advisor
B.S., New York City College of Technology, M.S., Baruch College

John Acevedo, Senior College Laboratory Technician, Biological Sciences
A.S., Kingsborough Community College

John Acosta, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Hunter College, M.F.A., Brooklyn College

Meghan Mayo AdamHigher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
B.A., Gonzaga University, M.A., Loyola University 

Joanna Agnello, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., Brooklyn College, Ed.M., Teachers College, Columbia University 

Aba Agolli, Higher Education Associate, Devlopment Manager 
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Hunter College

James Ahern, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., M.S., Wagner College

Tanzina Ahmed, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., Hunter College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Gregory Aizin, Professor, Physical Sciences
M.S. Belarussian State University, Ph.D., Russian Academy of Sciences

Namra Ajmal, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Senior Advisor, Academic Affairs
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Mariya Albert, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Finance Coordinator, Bursar
B.B.A., Baruch College

Anthony C. Alessandrini, Professor, English
B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University, M.A., Columbia University, Ph.D., Rutgers University

Karl Alexandre, Higher Education Assistant, Academic College Discovery Student Support Specialist, Student Affairs
B.A., Medgar Evers College, M.A., Queens College

Gordon Alley-Young, Professor and Dean of Faculty, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., University College of Cape Breton, M.A., M.A.L.S., University of Maine, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University

Amanda Allison, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Senior Advisor
B.A., SUNY Institute of Technology

Robert Allison Higher Education Officer, Athletics Director
A.S., Columbia Greene Community College, B.S. SUNY Institute of Technology, M.A. Concordia College

Bibi Ally, Higher Education Assistant, Finance Budget Specialist
B.S., York College

Vanessa Almonte, Higher Education Associate, Financial Aid Manager
B.B.A., Baruch College, M.P.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Irene Altreche, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist
A.S.,B.S., Touro College

Priscilla Alvarez, Higher Education Assistant, Student Life Childcare Center Specialist Teacher
B.A., Hunter College

Steven Amarnick, Professor, English
B.A., Brown University, M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University

Janet Leal Angel Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic ASAP Coordinator ASAP/CUNY Start
A.A.S. Kingsborough Community College, B.A. City College

Susan Aranoff, Professor, Business
B.A., Barnard College, Ph.D., Columbia University

Carlos Arguelles, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Library
B.A., La Salle University, M.L.S., Long Island University, M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology

Claudia Arias, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Financial Aid Advisor
B.A., Queens College

Laura Armour, Higher Education Assistant, Administrative Specialist, Access-Ability Center
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A. Brooklyn College

Stephen Armstrong, Associate Professor, English
B.A., University of California, Berkley, M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University, SUNY, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center                     

Jamie Aroosi, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, History, Philosophy and Political Science
B.A., University of Toranto, M.A., York University, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Eric Ashendorf, College Laboratory Technician, Physical Sciences
B.S., Brooklyn College                 

Santaro Ashizawa, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.Economics., Aoyama Gakuin University, M.A., City College

Latoya Aultman, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic Advisor, Liberal Arts
A.A., Borough of Manhattan Community College, B.A., Mount Holyoke College

Grace Axler-Diperte, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Ph.D., New York University

Duchess Ayettey, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic ASAP Program Coordinator
B.S., Virginia State University

Igor Balsim, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Yeshiva University, M.S., New York University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Homar Barcena, Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., College of New Jersey, M.S., Ph.D., New York University

Bryant Barksdale, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, ASAP Recruitment Coordinator, 
A.A., Fulton Montgomery Community College, B.A., M.S. SUNY Albany, M.S. Ed.d Concordia University

Carlene Barnaby, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Michael G. Barnhart, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Haverford College, Ph.D., Temple University

Elizabeth Barreras, Higher Education Assistant, Facilities Coordinator, Campus Facilities
B.A., Brooklyn College

Andrew Bartholomew, Higher Education Associate, IT Academic Applications Manager, Starfish Student Success Manager
A.A.S., Borough of Manhattan Community College, B.A., New York City College of Technology

Maria Bartolomeo-Maida, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Stony Brook University, SUNY, M.S., Fordham University, Ph.D., Seton Hall University

Velma Barton, Higher Education Assistant, Admissions Specialist
A.A., Borough of Manhattan Community College, B.A., The City College of New York

Avri Beard, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., Rutgers University, M.A,. University of Texas, Austin

Sarah Beck, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Student Advisor, ASAP
B.A., Pacific Lutheran University, M.F.A., City College

Ana Belenki, College Laboratory Technician, Art
B.F.A., NYSCC, Alfred University, M.F.A., Louisiana State University

Margaret Belizaire, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Manager
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., York College

Marilyn Bellantuono, Higher Education Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Bursar’s Office
B.S., St. John’s University

Tamara Bellomo, Professor, Nursing
B.S., M.S., Wagner College

Jaime Berco, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., CUNY School of Professional Studies

Bridget Berran, Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., New York City College of Technology, B.S., St. Joseph’s College, Berkley, M.S., Capella University, 

Alison Better, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Skidmore College, M.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University

Agata Bieda-Krutysz, Higher Education Assistant, Admissions Processor and Operations Specialist
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., The New School

Michelle Billies, Associate Professor, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, M.S.W., Columbia University School of Social Work

Chanel Bishop, Assistant Dean for Advisement
B.A., University of Illinois Urbana, M.A., Roosevelt University, M.Ed., Depaul University, Ed.D. Benedictine University

Karolina Bizik, Higher Education Officer, Director of Continuing Education Programs
B.S., St. John’s University, M.A., Adelphi University

Sharon Blaggrove, Higher Education Associate, Development Manager
A.A.S., Borough of Manhattan Community College, B.A., City College

Robert Blaisdell, Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Natasha Boatswain, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., The City College of New York

Yelena Bondar, Dean for Student Success Programs, Academic Affairs
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., New York University

Beric Boran, Instructor, History, Philosophy & Political Science
B.A., University of Split, Croatia, M.A., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, M. Phil., CUNY Graduate Center

Anthony Borgese, Professor, Program Director Tourism & Hospitality, Tourism & Hospitality
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College, M.B.A., Baruch College, D.S.M., United States Sports Academy

Nefer Bovea, Higher Education Associate, ASAP Advising Manager
B.A., Stony Brook University

Kirt Bowen, Assistant Professor, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
A.A.S., LaGuardia Community College, B.S., Touro College, M.P.A., Metropolitan College of New York

Michele Bracco, Lecturer, Health, Physical Education & Recreation,
B.A., St. Joseph’s College, M.A., New York University

Sara Bradwisch, Professor, Nursing,
B.S.N., Mount Saint Vincent Mary College, M.S.N., Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus, Ph.D., Mount Saint Mary College

Jaqueline Brady, Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Catholic University, M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Loretta Brancaccio-Taras, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., M. Phil., Ph.D., St. John’s University

Shawna Brandle, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, M.A., Brooklyn College, M. Phil., Ph.D, CUNY Graduate Center

Megan Brandow-Faller, Professor, History, Philosophy and Political Sciences
B.A., College of William and Mary, M.A., Ph.D., Georgetown University

Natalia Bredikhina, Higher Education Officer, Academic ESL Program Director, ESL Programs, Continuing Education
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.A., Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economics, M.A., Brooklyn College

Donna Brigando, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Advising Specialist
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College

Lesley Broder, Professor, English
B.A., Long Island University, Post, M.A., M.Ed., Teachers College, Columbia University, Ph.D., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Dmitry Brogun, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Krystine Broomes, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, ASAP
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College

Evrick Brown, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY

Nadine Browne, Chief of Staff and Deputy to the President, Associate Administrator
B.A., Hofstra University,  M.P.A., Keller Graduate School of Management, Devry University

Tanzania Browne, Higher Education Assistant, Flex Academic Success Coach, Senior Academic Advisor
B.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, M.A., City Collge

Domenick Brucculeri, Higher Education Associate, Collaborative Programs
B.S., M.P.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Gregory T. Bruno, Associate Professor, English
B.A., St. Joseph’s College, M.A., SUNY New Paltz, Ph.D., Columbia University Teachers College

Kimberly Burke, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, Buildings and Grounds
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., CUNY School of Professional Studies

Samantha Burke, Higher Education Assistant, Student Life Child Center Specialist Teacher
B.S., Molloy College

Kathleen Byrne Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., College of Mount Saint Vincent, M.S.N., Hunter College

Jonathan Cabrera, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., New Jersey City University, M.P.A., New York University

Annery Caceres, Higher Education Assistant, Admissions Specialist, Enrollment Management
B.S., York College, M.S., Brooklyn College

Tian Cai, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Pace University, M.S., New York University

Scott Cally, Professor and Chairperson, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Lafayette College, M.F.A., University of Florida

Eulalee Cambridge, Senior College Laboratory Technician, Biological Sciences
A.A.S, Bronx Community College, B.S., New York University

Alvin Cannon, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Advisor
B.A., Benedict College, M.Ed., Howard University

Susan Carpenter, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
B.A., University of New Castle upon Tyne, U.K., M.F.A., University of New Castle upon Tyne, U.K., Post Graduate Certificate, University of London, Goldsmiths College, U.K., M.S., Lehman College, Ph.D., Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Madalena Carrozzo, Higher Education Associate, Enrollment Registrar Manager, Registrar
B.A., Brooklyn College

Seanna Carter, Higher Education Assistant, Enrollment Registrar Specialist, Registrar
B.A., CUNY Baccalaureate Program

Shannon Caravello, Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education and Recreation
A.S., A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., SUNY - Fashion Institute of Technology, M.S.Ed., Brooklyn College, Dr.PH., SUNY Downstate

Cesar Castope, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Business
B.A., B.S., M.A., Hunter College, M.S., M.B.A., Pace University

Bryan Carter, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, History, Philosophy and Political Science
B.A., Temple University M.A., The New School, Ph.D., John Hopkins University

Jonathan Cavalieri, Higher Education Associate, Institutional Research Manager
B.A., Queens College, M.A., Hofstra University

Lenel J. Caze, Assistant Professor, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.A., Universite d’Etat d’Haiti, B.S., SUNY Empire State College

Krista Cerderstrom, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Senior Advisor, Freshman Services
B.A., Muhlenberg College, M.A. Brooklyn College

Kar Chan, Higher Education Assistant, Finance Budget Specialist
B.A., CUNY School of Professional Studies

Christopher Chapman, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
A.A., Union County College, B.S., New Jersey City University, M.S., Boston University, Ph.D., North Central University

Kathryn Chapman, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Physical Sciences
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, M.S., Ph.D., New York University

Mabel Chee, Higher Education Officer, Director of Development
B.A., Cornell University, M.P.A., Baruch College

Claudius Christopher, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist, Default Manager
B.A., Lehman College

Wendy Chu, Assistant Professor, Library
B.A., Barnard College, M.B.A., Baruch College, M.L.S., Queens College

Valeriya Chulskaya, Senior College Laboratory Technician, Communications and Performing Arts
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College

Robert Cincinnati, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, ASAP Program Coordinator, Academic Affairs
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., New York City College of Technology

Jessica Cinelli, Higher Education Associate, Grants Development Manager
B.A., University of Vermont

Regina Clarke, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Registrar Coordinator, Registrar
B.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Zuleika Clarke, Higher Education Officer, Academic Student Support
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Kimone Coley, Higher Education Associate, Student Psychological Counselor
A.S., SUNY Westchester Community College, B.A., Smith College, M.A., Columbia University 

Daniel Collins, Lecturer, Mathematics and Computer Science
B.A., M.A., University of Maine

Latasha Collins, Higher Education Associate, Student Life Child Center Manager
B.S., SUNY Oneonta, M. Ed. Brooklyn College

Tonya Collins, Higher Education Assistant, Communications Broadcast and Multimedia Production Specialist
B.A., CUNY Baccalaureate Program, M.F.A., Academy of Arts University

Christina Paulette Colon, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.A., Drew University, M.A., New York University, Ph.D., Fordham University

Joseph Consolo, Lecturer, Business
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., New York University, M.A., New School for Social Research

Donna Contreras, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Coordinator, Enrollment Management
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College

Sharon Warren Cook, Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
B.A., North Carolina Central University, M.S.W., Ph.D., University of North Carolina

Chrystal Cooper, Higher Education Assistant, Transfer Academic Senior Advisor
B.B.A., Berkley College

Nathan Cooper, Lecturer, Art
A.A. San Joaquin Delta College, B.A., University of California Santa Cruz

Jessica Corbin, Lecturer, Communications and Performing Arts
B.M., Duquesne University, M.M., Indiana University

Jennifer Corby, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy, and Political Science
B.A., University of North Texas, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Jennifer Cordova, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S.N., Long Island University

David Costello, Lecturer, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., McGill University                                                                                                                        

Kaleeba Coulter-Moore, Higher Education Assistant, Early College School Liaison
B.A., M.A., Queens College

Robert Cowan, Professor, English
B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Kaitlin Crandall, Higher Education Associate, Student Psychological Councelor 
B.A., Spelman College, M.A., Hunter College

Nareida Crandall, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Advisor, College Discovery Program
A.A.S., Medgar Evers College, B.A., Empire State College, M.S., Long Island University

Celeste Creegan, Higher Education Officer, Environmental Health and Safety Director
A.A.S., Brookdale Community College, B.A., New York University, M.P.H., CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College

Maureen Dorgan Crowley, Higher Education Assistant, Nursing,
A.A., Queensborough Community College, A.A.S., Catholic Medical Center School of Nursing, B.A., Queens College

Jacek Czarnecki, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Science
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., Brooklyn College, D.A., St. John’s University

Danielle Da Costa, Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
B.A., St. Francis College, Ed.M, Teachers College, Columbia University

Mark D’Alessandro, Associate Professor, Chair, Tourism and Hospitality
A.A., Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, B.S., Florida International University, M.A., New York University, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center 

Jadzia Dalziel, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, Student Life
A.A.S., B.S., New York City College of Technology

Michael Danza, College Laboratory Technician, Physical Sciences 
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Queens College

Michelle Davidowitz, Assistant Professor, Business
B.A., Queens College, M.B.A., Baruch College

Colleen Davy, Dean, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Effectiveness
B.A., University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Aleksandr Davydov, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
M.S., Samarkand State University, Russia, Ph.D., Ural State University, Russia

Mary Dawson, Professor, Associate Provost and Dean of Health Programs, Biological Sciences, Academic Affairs
B.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn

Carlos de Cuba, Associate Professor, Communications and Performing Arts 
B.A., SUNY College at Oswego, M.A., Ph.D., Stony Brook, SUNY

Loraine Decoteau, Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
B.A., Long Island University, M.A., Nyack College

Gabriela Dekki, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator
B.S., College of Staten Island, M.S.W., Fordham University

Luz Martin del Campo, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., M.A., City College, Ph.D., University of Florida-Gainesville 

Ann M. Del Principe, Professor and Chairperson, English
B.A., Marquette University, M.A., University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D., New York University

Erika Delacruz-Cabrera, Higher Education Officer, Academic Program Director, Collaborative Programs
A.S., B.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Jodie Delsol, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Senior Advisor
B.S., Hunter College, M.A., Brooklyn College

Kristin Derimanova, Associate Professor, Art
A.A.S., Mohawk Valley Community College, B.F.A., M.F.A., University of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Veliko, Turnovo, Bulgaria

Antonino DeSalvo, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.S., Columbia Southern University

John Descarfino, Professor, Art
B.F.A., St. Thomas Aquinas College School of Visual Arts, M.F.A., Hunter College

Emral Devany, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Middle East Technical University, M.A., CUNY Graduate Center Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center and at Hunter College

Elizabeth Dill, Professor, English
B.A., Wells College, M.A., Ph.D., State University of New at Buffalo, SUNY

Sarah Dillon, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Art
B.A., DePaul University, M.A., Syracuse University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Vickie DiMartino, Higher Education Associate, Associate Director, Continuing Education & CEWD
B.A., M.A., College of Staten Island

Renata Dimitrova, Higher Education Assistant, Enrollment Bursar Coordinator, Bursar
B.S., Touro College

Alfred Dolich, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, M.A., Columbia University, Ph.D., University of Maryland

Naxielly Dominguez, Assistant Professor, Tourism & Hospitality
B.A., Universidad Regional del Sureste, Mexico, M.A., Queens College

Xinlong Dong, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science
B.A., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Juliana Dorcelus, Higher Education Associate, Transfer Manager
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury, M.A., Stony Brook University 

Beth Douglas, Executive Legal Counsel and Labor Designee
B.A., Syracuse University, Juris Doctor, New York Law School

Suzette Nicole Dove, Higher Education Assistant, Assistant to Budget Director
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Brooklyn College

Damali Dublin, Higher Education Officer, Student Life Director for Student Conduct
B.B.A., M.S.Ed., Baruch College

Kevin Duffy, Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Brooklyn College, B.S., M.S., Long Island University, Ed.D., Grand Canyon University

Mark Eaton, Professor, Library
B.A., McGill University, M.I.S., University of Toronto, M.A., Queen’s University, Canada

Thomas Eaton, Associate Professor, Art
B.A., Pennsylvania State University, M.F.A., Lehman College

Kevicha Echols, Assistant Professor, Director Community Health, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., Tennessee State University, M.A., Clark Atlanta University, Ph.D., Widener University

Abraham Edelheit, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., M.A., Yeshiva University, M.A., Brandeis University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Shrandra Edmeade, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Student Advisor
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.S.Ed., Hunter College

Hanane Elabid, Higher Education Associate, Lead Academic Advisor, Freshman Services
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.B.A., Baruch College, M.S.Ed., Brooklyn College, Ed.D., Grand Canyon University

Hattie Elmore, Higher Education Officer, Student Support Director, Access Resource Center, Student Affairs
A.A.S., LaGuardia Community College, B.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Arturo Humberto Enamorado III, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences
A.A., Queensborough Community College, B.A., M.A., St. John’s University, M.A., The New School for Social Research

Andres Escobar, Interim Vice President, Finance and Administration
B.S., Baruch College, B.S., M.S., College of Staten Island

Elroy Esdaille, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.Phil., Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Ivana Espinet, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
B.A., Universidad Nacional de Cordoba - Argentina, M.A., Columbia University Teachers College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Maureen Fadem, Professor, English
B.A., Arcadia University, M.A., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Barbara Fairweather, Higher Education Associate, Academic Affairs, Administrative Manager
B.B.A., Adelphi University

Janice Farley, Professor, Art
B.A., Marymount College, M.F.A., Pratt Institute

Denise Farrelly, Associate Professor, Director Education Studies, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
B.S., New York University, M.S., College of Staten Island, Ed.D., Capella University

Azure N. Faucette, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.A., M.S., Tuskegee University, Ph.D., Texas A&M

Elie Feder, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., M.A., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Joseph Felser, Associate Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Boston University, M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago

Christine Fey, Lecturer, Director of Exercise Science, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., M.S., California State University

Carmel Ficorelli, Professor, Nursing
B.S., M.S./F.N.P., SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Mary Lou Fierle, Lecturer, Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.A., State University College at Potsdam, SUNY, M.A., New York University

Monica Filimon, Associate Professor, English
B.A., University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania, M.A., University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, M.A., CUNY Graduate Center, Ph.D., Rutgers University

Jenifer Francis, Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
M.A., University of West Indies

Juan Franquiz, Lecturer, Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Long Island University, M.A., New York University

Lea Fridman, Professor, English
B.A., M. Philosophy, Yeshiva University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Shoshana Friedman, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Jenny Frimpong, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Program Specialist
M.S., Mercy College

Julia Furay, Assistant Professor, Library
B.J., University of Missouri, M.A., University College Dublin, M.L.S., Queens College

Boris Furchin, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Mathematics and Computer Science
M.S., Kiev University, M.S., Rutgers Univeristy, Ph.D., Kiev University

Esther Gabay, Lecturer, English
B.A., College of Staten Island

Roberto Garcia, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Student Advisor, Academic Affairs/ASAP
B.S., Touro College

Libby Garland, Professor, History
B.A., Yale University, M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan

Matthew Gartner, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Williams College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Kevin Gayle, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Student Support Counselor, College Discovery
B.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY, M.S.W., Long Island University

Anna Geller-Koplan, Lecturer, Workforce Development and Strategic Community Partnerships
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.B.A., Pace University

Joel George, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist
B.B.A., Baruch College

Patricia George, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Centenary University, M.E.D., The College of New Jersey, Ed.S., Ed.D., Seton Hall University

Erika Gershuni, Lecturer, Business
B.A., Queens College, M.B.A., New York University

Nicolas Giampetruzzi, Higher Education Associate, Student Psychological Counselor, Student Affairs
B.A., M.S., Long Island University

Alicia Giordano, Chief College Laboratory Technician, Biological Sciences
A.A., Kingsborough Community College

Sherrye Glaser, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Ph.D., Stony Brook University 

Gail Glass-Malley, Higher Education Associate, Student Psychological Counselor, Access-Ability Services
B.A., Stony Brook University, SUNY, M.S.Ed., Brooklyn College

David Goldberg, Assistant Professor, Tourism & Hospitality
B.A., M.A., The City College of New York

Michael Goldstein, Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Management
B.A., Bennington College, J.D., CUNY School of Law

Michelle Goldstein, Lecturer, Mathematics and Computer Science
B.S., University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Business

Karlene Gooding, Lecturer, English,
A.A., Borough of Manhattan Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College

Rosemarie Goodridge, Higher Education Associate, Payroll Manager, Human Resources
M.A., Brooklyn College

Aleksander Gorbenko, Senior College Laboratory Technician,
B.S., M.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Katherine Gordon, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
B.A., University of Arizona, M.S., Brooklyn College

Elba Grau, Higher Education Associate, Enrollment Registrar Manager, Register
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., College of Staten Island

Tamera Gray, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Program Specialist, Collaborative Programs
 B.A., San Francisco State University

Janine Graziano-King, Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Hunter College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Martha Greasley, Higher Education Officer, Academic ASAP Program Director
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Jacqueline Green, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic Testing Coordinator, Testing Office
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., CUNY School of Professional Studies

Alexis Greene, Higher Education Assistant, Continuing Education Specialist, Continuing Education
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., York College, M.P.A., The City College of New York

Nataniel Greene, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Yeshiva University, M.S., Courant Institute, Ph.D., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Daniel Grimaldi, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Fordham University, M.S., New York University

Charles Guigno Jr., Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.A., Wesleyan University, M.A., Brooklyn College

Bruno Gulli, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Science
B.A., Venice University, M.A., San Francisco State University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Amy Haas, Professor, Business
B.S., Binghamton University, SUNY, M.B.A., Hofstra University, C.P.A., State of New York

Brian Hack, Chief College Laboratory Technician, Art
B.A., Juniata College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Maureen Haggerty, Lecturer, English A.A.S.,
B.S., M.A., College of Staten Island

Trevaughn Hall, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Student Advisor, ASAP
A.A.., Kingsborough Community College,, B.S., Brooklyn College

Caroline Hallmark, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services 
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., SUNY Empire State College, M.S.W., New York University

Jacqueline Handman, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Registrar Coordinator
B.A., Hunter College

Tiffany Harding, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Registration Coordinator, Continuing Education
B.B.A., Brooklyn College

Rogein Harripersad, Higher Education Assistant, Human Resources Specialist
B.A., Queens College

Lindsay Hayes, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.S., Brooklyn College

Grant Harvey, Higher Education Associate, Academic ESL Program Manager
B.A., Finders University of South Australia, M.P.S., New York University, M.A., Kane University

Jameelah Hegazy, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., The City College of New York, M.A., Pace University

Delia Hernandez, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
B.A., St. Francis College, M.S., Bank Street College of Education, M.Phil. CUNY Graduate Center, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Maria Hernández, Associate Professor, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., University of Alicante, M.A., University of Rhode Island, Ph.D., Boston University

Patrick Hickey, Jr., , Assistant Professor, Communications and Performning Arts
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

Rommel Hidalgo, Higher Education Associate, Communications Publications Editorial Manager
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College

Craig Hinkley, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.A., William Penn College, M.S., North Texas State University, Ph.D., University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Bibi Hiralall, Higher Education Assistant, Finance Budget Specialist
B.A., York College

Orit Hirsh, Higher Education Associate, Communications, Electronic Media Manager
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., M.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., Walden University

Ivan Shun Ho, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Long Island University, Ph.D., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Linda Holman, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., State University of New York at Albany, M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, SUNY

Nicole Hope, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Registrar Coordinator, Enrollment Management
A.A.S., B.B.A., Monroe College

Kieren Torres Howard, Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., University of Tasmania, Ph.D., University of Tasmania

Vonetta Hoyte, Higher Education Assistant, Senior Financial Aid Advisor, Financial Aid
B.A., University at Albany, SUNY

Vivian Hui, Higher Education Assistant, Senior Academic Advisor
B.A., John Jay College

Donald Hume, Professor and Chairperson, Co-Director, Physical Education, Recreation and Recreation Therapy, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.A., M.A., New York University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Asif Hussain, Assistant Vice President for, Information Technology
B.S., NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan, M.S., The City College of New York

Anthony Iantosca, Assistant Professor, English
B.F.A., Johnson State College, M.F.A., Long Island University

Rachel Ihara, Professor, English
B.A., Humboldt State University, M.A., Queens College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Christopher Ingrassia, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Computer Sciences 
B.S., University of Central Florida, M.S., New York University, Ph.D., Columbia University

Gavin Ireland, Interim Assistant Vice President for Enrollment 
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.B.A., Monroe College, M.B.A, Baruch College

Diana Irizarry, CUNY Start Instructor
B.A., College of Staten Island

Sinu Jacob, Higher Education Officer, Director of Financial Aid
B.A., Vauhgh College for Aeronautics and Technology

Z.M.G. Sarwar Jahangir, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Bangladesh Agricultural University, M.S., University of Cochin, India, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Jennifer James, Higher Education Associate, Labor Relations and Legal Manager
B.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, M.B.A., Long Island University 

Steven Jaret, Assistant Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., University of Tennessee, M.A., Harvard University, Ph.D., Stony Brook University

Caroline Jedlicka, Assistant Professor, Library
B.A.,M.S.W., University of Georgia - Athens, M.L.S., Queens College

Melisa Jn. Pierre, Lecturer, Communications and Performing Arts
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., York College, M.A., CUNY Graduate Center

Keisha Johnson, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Manager
B.A., State University College at Old Westbury, SUNY, M.S., Iona College

Tanya Johnson, Lecturer, Tourism & Hospitality
B.S., University of Phoenix, M.S., Argosy University

Tyronne Johnson, Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.A., Ashford University, M.B.A., Baruch College

Olushola Jones, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Student Support Program Specialist
B.A., Brooklyn College

David Jordan, Lecturer, Nursing
A.A., B.A., College of Staten Island

Marisa Joseph, Higher Education Officer, Student Career Program Director
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Monica Joseph, Associate Professor, Program Director Chemical Dependency Counseling, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.S., York College, M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University

Phillip Joseph, College Laboratory Technician, Biological Sciences
B.S., Concordia University

Yogesh Joshi, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science
B.S., University of Delhi, India, M.S., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, M.S., Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology

Hung Bok Jung, Assistant Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., M.S., Korea University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Ashwini Kadave, Lecturer, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Mumbai University, M.A., New York University

Gabrielle Kahn, Professor, English
B.A., Wesleyan University, M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Amanda Kalin, Higher Education Officer, Academic Affairs Director, Director of Curriculum Development and Program Planning
B.A., M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Magda Kamel, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Counselor & College Work Study Coordinator
B.A., Alexandria University, Egypt

Laxman Kanduri, Lecturer, Tourism & Hospitality
B.S., Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, India, M.S., University of Mysore, India, M.S., University of Maine

Daniel Kane, Assistant Professor, Tourism and Hospitality
B.A., MA., College of Staten Island, Ed.D., United States Sports Academy

George Kapetanakis, Lecturer, Director, Mental Health & Human Services Program, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.S.W., New York University

Maria Karfitsas, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Tutoring Coordinator
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Brooklyn College

Amy Karp, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Binghamton University, SUNY, M.F.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Kamini Karran, College Laboratory Technician, Library
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College

Laura Kates, Professor, Assistant Director, Education Program, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., New York University, M.S., Bank Street College of Education, Ed.D, Teachers College, Columbia University

Brian Katz, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Bennington College, M.F.A., Columbia University

Arkady Kaufman, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Bursar Coordinator
B.S., Brooklyn College

Charles Kee, Professor, Business
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.B.A., Baruch College, M.B.A., St. John’s University, C.P.A., State of New York and New Jersey

Alyse Keller-Johnson, Associate Professor, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., Villanova University, M.A., California State University Long Beach, Ph.D., University of South Florida

John Keller, Assistant Professor, English
B.J., University of Missouri-Columbia, M.F.A., Brooklyn College

Neil Kernis, Assistant Professor, English
B.S., Skidmore College, M.A., The New School, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University 

Cia Kessler, Higher Education Associate, Faculty Development Manager, Instructional Design
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.Phil. CUNY Graduate Center

Lisa Khandhar, Higher Education Officer, Chief Diversity Officer
B.A., Binghamton University (SUNY), J.D., New York University

Renata Kheyson, Lecturer, Business
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Hunter College

Beth King, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., University of Colorado, M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts

Lisa Klugewicz, Higher Education Assistant, Admissions Senior Advisor/Recruiter
B.S.N., Wagner College

Chico Knight, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Behavioral Sciences
B.S., Jackson State University, Ed.M., Columbia Teachers College, Ed.D., Columbia University

Olesya Knyazev, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Finance Coordinator
B.A., Brooklyn College

Enrika Kohavi, Higher Education Officer, Bursar Director, Bursar
B.S., Touro College

Kevin Kolkmeyer, Lecturer, English
B.A., SUNY Binghamton, M.A., California State University, Long Beach

Maxine Krenzel, Lecturer, English
B.A., Kenyon College, M.A., Columbia University

Ayalur Krishnan, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., St. Xavier’s College, Calcutta, India, Ph.D., Wesleyan University

Daniel La Noue, Higher Education Officer, Development Officer, Institutional Advancement
B.A., Kenyon College, M.S., New York University

Susan Lachman, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., New York University

Paule LaFortune, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, Academic Affairs
B.F.A., Brooklyn College

Mohamed Lakrim, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.A., Institute of Agricultural Technology in Algeria, M.S. Ed., Universite Libre do Bruxelles, M.A., Ph.D., The Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Laura Landau, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy and Political Science
B.A., Jewish Theological Seminary, B.A., Barnard College, M.S., Pratt Institute, Ph.D., Rutgers University

Ruben Landaverde, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.B.A., Baruch College

Marjorie LaRoche, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, Academic Affairs
B.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Matthew Latessa, Higher Education Associate, Associate Director, Recruitment and Engagement
B.A., Franklin Marshall College, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

Thomas Lavazzi, Professor, English
B.A., Washington University, M.A., University of Missouri, M.F.A., University of Iowa, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

David Lawson, Senior College Laboratory Technician, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College

Jeffrey Lax, Professor and Chairperson, Business
B.S., Brooklyn College, J.D., Benjamin Cardozo School of Law, M.B.A., Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College

Frantz A. Leconte, Professor, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., M.Ph., CUNY Graduate Center

Jason Leggett, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
A.A., Highline Community College, B.A., University of Washington, J.D., Seattle University School of Law

Richard Legum, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Science
B.A., Franklin and Marshall College, Ph.D., University of Rochester

Jose Lenis, Chief College Laboratory Technician, Physical Sciences
B.A., Santiago De Cali University

Lauren Levesque, Higher Education Officer, Institutional Research Director, Institutional Research
B.S., Central Connecticut State University, M.P.A., Baruch College

Alissa Levine, Higher Education Officer, Community Outreach Programs Director, Center for Economic and Workforce Development
B.A., Stony Brook University, SUNY, M.S.W., New York University

Susan Levinshtein, Higher Education Assistant, Administrative Specialist, Nursing
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Excelsior College

Dawn Levy, Associate Professor, Business
B.A., Brooklyn College, J.D., Brooklyn Law School

Erica Levy, Higher Education Officer, Admissions Director
B.A., M.S., Baruch College

Sun Cheung Feon Li, Higher Education Assistant, Enrollment Bursar Specialist, Bursar
B.A., Pace University

Eileen Lichtenthal, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Queens College, M.S., Rutgers University

Zhao Lin, Lecturer, Mathematics and Computer Science 
A.A., Borough of Manhattan Community College, B.S., Polytechnic University, M.S., Hunter College

Philip Listowsky, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Yeshiva University, M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Martin Litwack, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Binghamton University, SUNY

Patrick M. Lloyd, Assistant Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., Ph.D., University of California

John Lopez, Lecturer, Biological Sciences
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Columbia University, M.D., Fatima College of Medicine, Philippines

Gardy Louis, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Testing Specialist
B.A., Northwestern University

Cindy Lui, Executive Director, Student Affairs Assistant Administrator
B.S., SUNY Oneonta, M.A., New York University

Sandra Lujan, Higher Education Associate, Enrollment Registrar Manager, Registrar
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., York College

Nicolas Luxama, Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
B.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Catherine Ma, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services,
B.A., Albany University at SUNY, M.A., Hunter College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Jonathan Macagba, Assistant Professor, Art
B.A., CUNY School of Professional Studies, M.F.A., Art Institute of Boston Lesley University

Malka Machlus, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Physical Sciences
B.Sc., M.Sc., Hebrew University - Jerusalem, Ph.D., Columbia University

Krishna Mahavadi, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science
B.Sc. Indian Institute of Technology, M.Sc. University of Cambridge

Stephen Majewicz, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.A., Stony Brook University, SUNY, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Stefan Malliett, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Registrar Coordinator 

Jay Mancini, Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., Stevens Tech., M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

David Mandelbaum, Lecturer, Business
B.S., Touro College

Alicia Marcelin, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Drexel University, M.S.N., Wagner College

Christine Marchese, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator
B.A., St. Joseph’s College

Shoshana Marcus, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Touro College, M.A., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Roberto Mariani, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
Ph.D., University of Rome “La Sapienza”

Kristine Mariano, Lecturer, English
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

Samantha Marino-Bookert, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Student Support Specialist, CUNY Start/Continuing Education
B.A., Hunter College, M.S.Ed., Brooklyn College

Rebecca Marrero, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Senior Advisor
B.S., Hofstra University, M.S., Hunter College

Julio Martinez, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Manager
B.B.A., Baruch College, M.A., Iona College

Anthony Marzuillo, Lecturer, Director Culinary Arts, Tourism and Hospitality
A.O.S., B.P.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology

Bobin Mathew, Jr., Higher Education Assistant, Finance and Revenue Specialist
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., College of Staten Island

Martin Matthew, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
A.S., Nassau Community College, B.A., M.A., Queens College

Diane McDevitt, Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Dominican College, M.S., College of Staten Island

Marjorie McDonough, Professor, Nursing
B.S., Downstate Medical Center, SUNY, M.A., New York University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Marie McGovern, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Adelphi University, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Sandra McKay, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Financial Aid Advisor
B.A., Saint Mary’s College of California, M.A., Manhattan College

Linda McKernan, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Events Manager
B.S., SUNY Maritime, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

Ryan McKinney, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Fairfield University, M.F.A., San Diego State University

Jennifer McLinden, Higher Education Assistant, Human Resources Specialist
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., CUNY School of Professional Studies

Michael McMorris, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, History, Behavioral Sciences
B. A., M.A., Saginaw State University, Ph.D., Capella University

Detrice McPhatter, Higher Education Associate, Human Resources, Benefits Manager
B.B.A., Metropolitan College of New York, M.S., CUNY Graduate Center, School of Professional Studies

Gene McQuillan, Professor, English
B.A., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Christina McVey, Assistant Professor, Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, Physical Therapist Assistant Program , Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.S., Quinnipiac College, M. A., Hofstra University

Maria Mejias, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Executive Assistant, Continuing Education Program
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College

Igor Melamed, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Kiev Electrical Engineering Institute of Communication, Kiev, M.S., Touro College

Cynthia Mendola, Higher Education Assistant, Human Resources Specialist
B.A., Brooklyn College

Melissa Merced, Higher Education Officer, Director of Student Life
B.A., The City College of New York, M.S. Ed., Baruch College

Antoinette Meringolo, Higher Education Assistant, Admissions Specialist, CUNYFirst
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., CUNY School of Professional Studies

Jacob Louis Mey, IV, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., University of Aarhus, Denmark, M.S., University of Aarhus, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

JoAnne Meyers, Higher Education Associate, Enrollment Management
B.S., Brooklyn College

Anne Migliaccio, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Student Support Program Specialist
B.S., St. John’s University

John Mikalopas, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Physical Sciences
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Davis

Thomas Mintz, Associate Professor, Art
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College, M.F.A., Queens College

Jennifer Mitchell, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Millsaps College, M.S., Delta State University

Robert Monaco, Senior College Laboratory Technician, Communications & Performing Arts
A.S., Suffolk County Community College, B.F.A., Rutgers University, M.F.A., New York University

Beata Monsanto, Lecturer, Director Surgical Technology, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Long Island University - Brooklyn

Awilda Montes, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
A.A.S., New York City College of Technology, B.S., Medgar Evers College

Wanda Morales, Higher Education Officer, Development Grants Director
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., York College

Alvaro Javier Morgades, Higher Education Associate, Admissions Manager, Admission Information Center
B.S., Marymount Manhattan College

Valentina Morgan, Higher Education Associate, Financial Aid Manager
B.S., York College

Marilyn Moskowitz, Higher Education Associate, Finance Manager
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Queens College

Avery Mullen, Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Registrar Director, Registrar
B.S., Farmingdale State College, SUNY, M.B.A., Phoenix University

Eth Alexander Mulligan, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences B.S.,
Rochester Institute of Technology, Ph.D., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Alfredo Munoz Alarcon, Lecturer, Communicaitons and Performing Arts
B.A., National University of Nicaragua, M.A., The City College of New York

Rudolf Muradov, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Admissions Advisor/Recruiter
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice 

Erin Murphy-Smith, Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., B.A., B.S., The College of Staten Island, M.S.N., Hunter College

Ari Nagel, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.B.A., St. John’s University

Jose Nanin, Professor, Health, Co-Director, Community Health Programs, Physical Education & Recreation
B.A., M.A., New York University, M.S., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

John Nappo, Lecturer, Tourism & Hospitality
B.A., Saint Francis College, M.A., Saint John’s University

Katherine Nareski, Lecturer, Business
B.F.A., Parsons School of Design

Helen-Margaret Nasser, Higher Education Officer, Director of Student Union and Intercultural Center
B.A., McGill University, M.A., CUNY Graduate Center

Mary Lynn Navarro, Associate Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Dung Kim Nguyen, Lecturer, Mathematics and Computer Science
B.S., M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York University

George Nicolaidis, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Admissions Coordinator, Enrollment Management
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., York College

Lilja Nielsen, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S. Aarhus University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Karen Niles, Lecturer, English
B.A., The College of Staten Island, M.A., New York University

Devon Nixon, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Manager ASAP, Academic Affairs
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College

Jennifer Noe, Associate Professor, Library
B.A., State University College at New Paltz, SUNY, M.S., Columbia University School of Journalism, M.L.S., Queens College

Maria Norako, College Laboratory Technician, Biological Sciences
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., San Marcos University

Kwame Nyanin, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Cornell University, M.A., New York University

Steven O’Brady, Assistant Professor, Director EMS Program, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.S., M.S., DeVry University

Christine O’Leary, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Admissions Coordinator
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., St. John’s University

Maximillian Oliver, Higher Education Associate, Admissions Manager, Enrollment/Admission Services
B.A., University at Albany, SUNY

Jennifer Oliveri, Lecturer, English
A. A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Hunter College, M.A., CUNY Graduate Center

Catherine Olubummo, Professor and Chairperson, Nursing
A.A.S, Bergen Community College, B.S.N., William Patterson State College, M.A., M.S.N., Long Island University, D.N.P., Chatham University

Cynthia Olvina, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Manager, Academic Affairs
A.A.S. Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S., Cuny School of Professional Studies

Megan O’Neill, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, English
B.A., M.A.,Ph.D., Virginia Tech

Joachim Oppenheim, Lecturer, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., Cornell University, M.A., New York University

Janette O’Sullivan, Associate Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Queensborough Community College, B.S.N., Hunter College, M.S., Columbia University

Marina Ouedraogo, Higher Education Assistant, Senior Academic Advisor, Business
B.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

James Pacello, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, English
B.A., College of Staten Island, M.A., Hunter College, Ed.D., Rutgers University

Lisa Paler, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Vassar College, M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland

Michael Palladino, Lecturer, Business
B.A.,SUNY Stonybrook, M.A., University of Florence - Italy

Pittershawn Palmer, Higher Education Associate, Communications Publications Editorial Manager
B.A., M.S., Iona College, M.F.A., Goddard College

Elizabeth Paniagua, Higher Education Associate, Financial Aid Manager
B.A., Hunter College, M.P.A., John Jay College

Matthew Papier, Higher Education Officer, Director of Testing
B.A., University at Albany, SUNY

Hope A. Parisi, Professor, English
B.A., Fordham University, M.A., Columbia University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

William Park, Higher Education Assistant, Student Life International Student Specialist/Assistant Director of International Student Affairs
B.A., Emory University College of Arts and Sciences, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

Sharon Parker, Lecturer, Business 
A.A.S., B.F.A., Fashion Institute of Technology

Stuart Parker, Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Behavioral Sciences 
B.A., New York University, M.A. Boston University, M.A., Tufts University, Ed.D, Fielding Graduate Institute

Navneet Parmar, Lecturer, Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Guru Nanak Dev University

Maria Patestas, Higher Education Officer, Director of Operations and Scholarships, Institutional Advancement
B.A., M.P.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Hallory Paul, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Communications Publications Design Coordinator, Enrollment Management
B.A., St. John’s University

Frank Percaccio, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., Union Institute and University

Katia Perea, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., Loyola University Louisiana, M.A., Ph.D., New School for Social Research

Audrey Phillips, Higher Education Assistant, Administrative Specialist, English
B.A., CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies

Caterina Pierre, Professor, Art
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Hunter College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Nympha Pierre, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic ASAP Employment Specialist
B.S., Medgar Evers College, M.A., Brooklyn College

Kristin P. Polizzotto, Professor and Chairperson, Biological Sciences
B.S., Brigham Young University, Ph.D., Cornell University

Gloria Pollack, Professor, Communications and Performing Arts
B.R.E., B.A., Stern College, M.A., New York University, M. Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University

Kamili Posey, Associate Professor, History, Philosophy and Political Science
B.A., New York University, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Bryan Powers, Assistant Professor, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., Hunter College, M.F.A. City College

Anupam Pradhan, Assistant Professor Biological Sciences, B.Sc., M.Sc., Cotton College Gauhati University, Assam India, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Toxicology Research Maharaj University, Kanpur, U.P, India

Reina Prestia, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Advisor to College Discovery Program
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., College of Staten Island, M.S.W., Hunter College

Sharon Prince, Lecturer, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Lehman College, M.S., The City College of New York

Careen Purcell, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., M.S., D.N.P, Chamberlain University

Ishrat Rahman, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, Enrollment Management
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Brooklyn College, M.P.A, Long Island University

Veenadai Vanessa Ramjas Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
B.S., York College, M.S., New York University, Polytechnic School of Engineering

Robert Ramsey, Lecturer, Tourism and Hospitality
A.A.S., J. Sargent Reynolds Community College, B.I.S., Virginia Commonwealth University

Rubina Rattani, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Admissions Advisor/Recruiter
A.A., LaGuardia Community College, B.A., Queens College

Varattur Reddy, Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., M.S., S.V. University, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Ricardo Repetti, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.Phil., CUNY Graduate Center

Paul Ricciardi, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Bridgewater State University, M.F.A., Rhode Island College

Arielle Richards, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Student Advisor
B.S., Empire State College, SUNY, M.A., CUNY Graduate Center

Susan Richards, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Student Advisor
B.S., Medgar Evers College

Paul Risi, Chief College Laboratory Technician, Tourism & Hospitality

Paula Risolo, Higher Education Assistant, Senior Academic Advisor, Opening Doors, Student Affairs
B.S., M.S., St. John’s University, Ed.D, Creighton University

Johana Rivera, Vice President for Enrollment Management
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ed.D., Saint John Fisher College 

Mohammed Faisal Riyad, Higher Education Associate, Academic Resource Center Manager
B.S., Medgar Evers College

Frances Robinson, Higher Education Associate, Program Manager, Women’s Center
B.A., Fashion Institute of Technology, M.A., New York University

Edwisimone Rodriguez, Vice President for Workforce Development and Strategic Community Partnerships
B.A., SUNY Binghamton, M.A., Ph.D., Walden University

Michael Rodriguez, Higher Education Officer, Academic Program Director, Men’s Resource Center
B.A., College of New Rochelle, M.A., Long Island University

Oneika Rodriguez, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Senior Advisor
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., York College

Gila Rohr, Interim Executive Director of Human Resources
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., College of Staten Island

Trina Roldan, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic Advisor
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Hunter College

Victoria Ronin, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, ASAP
B.A., Brooklyn College

Michael Rosson, Professor, Library
B.A., M.S., Ithaca College, M.S.L.S., Syracuse University

Thomas J. Rothacker, Associate Professor, Communications and Performing Arts
B.F.A., Long Island University, C.W. Post, M.A., New York University, M.F.A., Goddard College

Eric Rothenburg, Professor, Business
B.B.A., Baruch College, M.A., Brooklyn College, CPA, State of New York

Nancy Rouse, College Laboratory Technician, Art
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.F.A., Brooklyn College

Nancy Rowland, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., CUNY School of Professional Studies

Anna Rozenboym, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences,
B.A., Pace University, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, Ph.D., Downstate Medical Center, SUNY

Christine Rudisel, Associate Professor, English
B.A., State University College at Purchase, SUNY, M.A., Long Island University, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Sara Rutkowski, Associate Professor, English
B.A., McGill University, M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Paula Saff, Lecturer, Business
B.S., M.S., Brooklyn College

David Salb, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Yeshiva University, M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Kim Sanchez, Higher Education Officier, Finance Budget Director
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Brooklyn College

Chana Sandberg, Higher Education Associate, Academic Advising Manager for Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College

Mariana Sang, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Executive Coordinator
B.S., Brooklyn College

Zeline Santana, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist 
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S.ed., Baruch College

Peter Santiago, Higher Education Associate, Student Psychological Counselor, Access-Ability Services
B.A., M.S.Ed., Brooklyn College

Sabrina Santiago, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator KCC Association
A.A.S., Bronx Community College, B.B.A., Lehman College

Jeremy Sawyer, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., Stanford University, M.S. Ed., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Debra Scaccia, Assistant Professor Nursing 
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S.N., Adelphi University, M.S.N., C.W. Post, Long Island University

Robert Schacter, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Program Specialist, Academic Affairs, Associate Provost’s Office
B.A., Concordia University, M.A., New York University, M.S. Ed., Brooklyn College

Robert Schenck, College Laboratory Technician, Physical Sciences
B.S., University at Albany, SUNY, M.S., Adelphi University

Ryan Schiavone, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.A., Union College

Andrew Schiavoni, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Admissions Advisor/Recruiter
B.S., M.A., St. John’s University

Carl Schlachte, Assistant Professor, English
B.F.A., Chapman University, M.F.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Giovanna Schnabel, Higher Education Associate, Academic Student Support Manager, College Discovery
B.S., Hawaii Pacific University

Emily Schnee, Professor, English
B.A., Tufts University, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Lisa Schneider, Lecturer, Business
A.S. Nassau Community College, B.S., Long Island University, Juris Doctor, Touro College

Sari Schoenfeld, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic Program Coordinator, Collaborative Programs
B.S., Newbury College, M.S.ed., Alfred University

Debra Schultz, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., New York University, M.A., CUNY Graduate Center, Ph.D., Union Institute

Harry Schwartz, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Columbia University, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Maria Scordaras, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., New York University, M.A., University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., New York University

Loni Scott, Assistant Professor Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook, M.S.N., SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Shavone Sease, Higher Education Assistant, Enrollment Registrar Specialist
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Empire State College, SUNY

Jacob Segal, Associate Professor and Chairperson, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Washington University, M.A., University of Chicago, Ph.D., Columbia University

Vanda Seward, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., The College of New Rochelle, M.S., Iona College, Ph.D., Capella University

Mary Shannon, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN., St. Vincent’s School of Nursing, B.S.N., M.S.N, Wagner College

Lili Shi, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Ningbo University, M.A., Arizona State University, Ph.D., Howard University

Anatoly Shvartsman, Higher Education Officer, Associate Director of Computer Services
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Brooklyn College

Dale Siegel, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Polytechnic University

Samantha Sierra, Higher Education Officer, Academic Program Director, Learning Communities
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.S., College of Staten Island

Steven Skinner, Associate Professor, Director, Physical Therapist Assistant Program, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services 
B.S., University of Pennsylvania, M.S., Queens College, Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University

Nicholas Skirka, Professor, Co-Director Physical Education, Recreation and Recreation Therapy, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., M.A., University of Maryland, Ph.D., New York University

Cheryl Smith, Professor, English
B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio, M.A., California State University, Bakersfield, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Mary Smith, Higher Education Assistant, Enrollment Specialist
A.A., A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Michael Smith, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health, and Human Services
B.S., Howard University, M.J., University of California at Berkeley

Penny Soden, Higher Education Associate, Grants Development Manager
B.S., Lehigh University

Francisca Soetan, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.A., Concordia College, M.S., Ed.D., University of Phoenix

Valerie Sokolova, Professor, Art
B.A., Ukranian Polygraphic Institute, M.A., State Institute of Theatre & Art, Minsk

Michael Sokolow, Professor, History, Philosophy and Political Sciences
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ph.D., Boston University

Bailin Song, Professor, English
B.A., Anhui University, M.A., Ph.D., The University of Mississippi

Eva Liza Songcuan, College Laboratory Technician, Physical Sciences
B.E., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Mariyama Sow, Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Student Advisor
B.S., Hampton University

Michael Spear, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Davidson College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Laura Spinu, Associate Professor, Communications and Performing Arts 
B.A., University of Bucharest, SUNY Stony Brook University, Ph.D., University of Delaware – Newark

Courtney Stathis, Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Provident College, M.S., Lehman College, D.N.P., Case Western Reserve University

Herschella Steele, Higher Education Associate, KCC Flex Manager
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Empire State College

Tracy Steffy, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Queens College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Joanna Stein, Assistant Professor, English
B.F.A., State University College at Fredonia, SUNY, M.A., State University College at Brockport, SUNY, M.F.A., Pacific Lutheran University

Tziporah Stern, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Touro College, M.B.A., Baruch College

Keisha Stewart, Higher Education Officer, Finance Procurement Director
B.B.A., Baruch College

Mary Danise Stokeld, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Senior Advisor
B.A., University of Mississippi, M.Div. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Enid Stubin, Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University

Rachel Sturm-Beiss, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., New York University

Ishani Sudasinghe, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist
B.A., Texas State University 

Christie Sutherland, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist
A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Empire State College, SUNY

Charles Swift, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Delaware State University, M.S.W., Fordham University, M.Phil., Ph.D., The New School

Petra Symister, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., B.S., Duke University, M.A., Ph.D., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Farshad Tamari, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., York University, Toronto

Nicole Taylor, Higher Education Associate, Student Psychological Counselor
B.A., Mount Holyoke College, M.A., University of Connecticut, M.S.W., Columbia University

Clarissa Tejada, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Admissions Coordinator
B.S., Binghamton University

Damani Thomas, Higher Education Officer, Student Affairs Director for Student Involvement and Special Projects
B.A., Hunter College, M.S., Capella University

Taysha Thomas, Higher Education Assistant, Academic ASAP Advisor
B.A., York College   

Wilbur Thomas, Higher Education Assistant, Athletics Program Specialist
B.S.G., California State University                                                                                                                

Ashanti Thompson, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Administrative Coordinator, Single Stop
B.A., City College

Christopher Thompson, Lecturer, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University, M.M., University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Keisha Thompson, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Baruch College, M.S. Ed., Hunter College, Ph.D., Texas A&M University

Dorina Tila, Associate Professor, Business
University of La Verne, M.A., George Mason University, Ph.D., George Mason University

Cheryl Todmann, Vice President for Communications and Marketing
B.S. Marketing Management, Syracuse University and London England Center, Division of International Programs abroad, Course-Hinds School of Management

Julie Torrant, Assistant Professor, English
B.S., Cornell University, M.A., Syracuse University, Ph.D., The University at Albany, SUNY

Angela Toscano, Lecturer, World Languages and Cultures
B.S., College of Staten Island

Max Tran, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Ohio State University, M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse University

Rebecca Travis Higher Education Assistant, Senior Academic Advisor
B.A., Colby College, M.S., Hunter College

Grace Trotman, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences
B.A., M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, J.D., Boston University

David Troy, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Queens College, M.A., Ph.D., Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University

Julie Turley, Assistant Professor, Library 
B.A., Brigham Young University, M.F.A., University of Utah, M.L.S., Queens College

Corey Turner, Assistant Professor, Business
B.A., Baruch College, M.S.W., University of Maryland School of Social Work, J.D., University of Maryland Law School

Tisha Ulmer, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Lincoln University, M. Phil, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Jason VanOra, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., State University College at Purchase, SUNY, M.A., Hunter College, M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Brenda Vargas, Higher Education Officer, Academic College Discovery Director
B.A., M.A., The City College of New York

Maria Vargas, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Enrollment Management, Transfer Credit Evaluator
B.A., York College, M.S., School of Professional Studies 

Christine Vaz, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., Chamberlain College of Nursing

Joseph Velez, Higher Education Associate, Finance Budget Manager, Academic Affairs
A.A., St. Joseph’s University, B.A., Baruch College

Joseph Verdino, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Queens College, M.S.Ed., Ph.D., Fordham University

Nina Vitucci, Higher Education Assistant, Administrative Specialist, Nursing
B.A., College of New Rochelle

Margarita Vodopyanov, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, Academic Advisor
B.A., College of Art and Music, Moldova formerly USSR, B.S., University of Phoenix, M.S.W., Adelphi University

Tony Walker, Higher Education Associate, Finance Budget Manager
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S.Ed., Baruch College

Shaune Wallace-Bostic, Higher Education Assistant, Affirmative Action Specialist
B.S., Iona College, M.A., University of Phoenix

Red Washburn, Professor, English
B.A., Mount Saint Mary College, M.A., State University College at New Paltz, SUNY, M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland

Juann Watson, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Long Island University, M.S.W., Ph.D., Yeshiva University

Judeine Watson, Higher Education Assistant, Enrollment Specialist
B.A., City College

Kathryn Wayler, Higher Education Associate, Administrative Events Manager
A.A.S., New York City College of Technology, B.S., Empire State College, SUNY, M.A., New York University

Anne Weaverling, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Santa Clara University, M.F.A., University of California, San Diego

Shameeka Weekes, Higher Education Assistant, Student Career Senior Advisor
B.A., St. Francis College, M.S. Walden University

Sheri Weinstein, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Brandeis University, M.A., McGill University, Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, SUNY

Michael K. Weisberg, Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Michael Weisenfeld, Higher Education Officer, Academic Resource Center Director/ Director of Tutorial Services and Supplemental Instruction, Academic Affairs
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College

Jane Weiss, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Brown University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Lora John Wells, College Laboratory Technician, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
A.A.S. Kingsborough Community College, B.S., New York City College of Technology

Roxanne West, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., New York City College of Technology

Dominic Wetzel, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Carleton College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Marie Williams, Higher Education Assistant, ASAP Student Advisor, ASAP
B.S., M.P.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Sheryl Williams, Assistant Professor, English
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., Howard University

Karimah Ellis Wilson, Higher Education Officer, Academic Advising Director 
B.S., Northeastern University

Catherine Wilson-Mooney, Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., B.S.N., College of Staten Island, M.S.N., Walden University

Amanda Wing Higher Education Assistant, Human Resources Specialist
B.S.,M.S., Brooklyn College

William Winter, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Donovan Withers, Lecturer, Tourism and Hospitality 
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Hunter College

Patrick Wong, Assistant to Higher Education Officer, International Student Advisor
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, M.P.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Puisan Wong, Lecturer Doctoral Schedule, Communications and Performing Arts
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Lehman College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Eben Wood, Professor, English
B.A., Colgate University, M.F.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Xiaoting Wu, Higher Education Assistant, Communications Publications Design Specialist, Community Relations
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.F.A., School of Visual Arts

Mei Xing, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Liaoning Normal University, China, M.S., Fudan University, China, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University

Hanying Xu, Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., Peking University, Ph.D., Mississippi State University

Midori Yamamura, Associate Professor, Art
B.A., Musashino Art University, M.A., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Hong Tu Yan, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.B.A., Pace University, M.A., Hunter College

Tara Yarczower, Higher Education Officer, Student Affairs Director, Assessment/Veterans Affairs
A.A.S. Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.A., College of Staten Island

Kymel Yard, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Program Specialist
B.A., SUNY Binghamton

Rina J. Yarmish, Professor and Chairperson, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Queens College, B.H.L., Yeshiva University, M.S., Ph.D., New York University

Miriam Yawitz, College Laboratory Technician, Nursing
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College

Darren Yuen, Higher Education Assistant, Financial Aid Specialist
B.S., Binghamton, SUNY

Felix Yusupov, Higher Education Assistant, Academic Student Support Program Specialist Flex Math
B.S./M.A, University of Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan

Christine Zagari, Assistant Dean, Workforce Development and Contunuing Education
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.F.S., M.A., New York Institute of Technology

Wenddy Zepeda, Higher Education Associate, Admissions Manager
B.S., University of Delaware, M.S., Baruch College

Yuan Zhuo Zhang, College Laboratory Technician, Physical Sciences
 B.S., John Jay College, M.S., City College

David Zilberman, Lecturer, Biological Sciences
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College

Professors Emeriti

Frieda Aaron, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., The City University of New York

Patrick J. Abbazia, Professor, History, Philosophy & Social Sciences
B.A. Brooklyn College, M.A., University of California, Ph.D., Columbia University

Richard Adelson, Associate Professor, Business
B.S., M.A., New York University

Elio Alba, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.A., Havana Institute, Cuba, M.A., Rutgers University, LL.D., University of Havana, Cuba, Ph.D., New York University

Louis Altschul, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
A.B., New York University, Ph.D., Adelphi University

Deborah Anderson, Lecturer, English
B.A., M.F.A., University of North Carolina – Wilmington

Sheldon I. Aptekar, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Trinity University

Isidor Apterbach, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Yeshiva University, M.A., M. Phil., Columbia University

Leslie Arberman, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S., The City College of New York, Certificate in Psychoanalysis, National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis, M.S.W., Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University

Jack Arnow, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.A., Queens College

Marcia Babbitt, Professor, English
B.A., Temple University, M.A., State University of Iowa, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Yvette Bader, Professor, Music
B.A., Brooklyn College, B. Music, M. Music, Manhattan School of Music, M.A., New York University, Ed.D., Columbia University

Bobby l. Baldwin, Professor, Office Administration & Technology
B.S., M.S., Prarie View A&M College

Elinor Barr, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S., Bank Street College of Education, Ph.D., Union Graduate School

Gordon Bassen, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Sylviane Baumflek, Lecturer, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Columbia University

Halice K. Beckett, Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S., M.A., New York University, R.N. Bellevue Hospital, School of Nursing

Dorothy A. Beckmann, Associate Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., M.A., Queens College, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Renato Bellu, Professor, Business, Director Entrepreneurial Studies Program
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.S., Brooklyn College, M.B.A., Pace University, Ph.D., Union Graduate School

Joseph H. Berliner, Associate Professor, Business
B.S., Brooklyn College, J.D., New York University, M.B.A., Long Island University, C.P.A., State of New York

John Blunt, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
B.A., B.S., University of Michigan, M.S., Michigan State University, M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Jack L. Bolen, Professor, Art
B.F.A., M.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute

Alfred Borrello, Professor, English
B.A., St. John’s University, M.A., New York University, Ph.D., St. John’s University

Uda Bradford, Associate Professor, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Student Development
B.A., New York University, M.S.W., Hunter College, Ph.D., Fordham University

Rosa M. Bradley, Professor, Coordinator, Occupational Therapy Transfer Option and Pharmacy Transfer Option Programs, Biological Sciences
B.A., Dunbarton College, M.S., Howard University, Ph.D., New York University

Myron I. Brender, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
A.B., Ph.D., New York University

Judith Brilliant, Associate Professor, Student Development
B.A., M.S., Queens College, Ph.D., Fordham University

George Buchman, Assistant Professor, Business
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.B.A., New York University, C.P. A., State of New York

Rosemary Bufano, Lecturer, Tourism & Hospitality
B.A., Queens College

William Burger, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
A.A.S., Nassau Community College, B.A., Richmond College, Ed.M., Harvard University, Ph.D., Union Graduate School

Jocelyn A. Camp, Professor, English
B.A., Southwestern at Memphis, M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan

Betty Caroli, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Oberlin College, M.A., University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., New York University

Catherine Carr, Associate Professor, Nursing
M.S., B.S., Hunter College, R.N., Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, School of Nursing

Harvey F. Carroll, Professor, Physical Sciences Director, Engineering Science Program
A.B., Hunter College, Ph.D., Cornell University

Domenic Caruso, Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Isabella Caruso, Professor, English
B.S., New York University, M.A. Brooklyn College, M.Philosophy, Ph.D., New York University

Geraldine Chapey, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.S., St. John’s University, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, Ed.D., Rutgers University

Henry Chupack, Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., New York University

Lucille Cichminski, Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., B.S.N., College of Staten Island, M.S.N., Hunter College

Audrey Cohen, Professor, Business
B.A., Radcliffe College, M.B.A., DBA, Harvard Business School

Anthony Colarossi, Professor, Student Development
B.A., M.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., Fordham University

Diego L. Colon, Professor, Student Development, Director, Bilingual Studies Program
B.A., University of Puerto Rico, M.S., The City College of New York, Ph.D., New York University

Edwin Cooperman, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., St. John’s University

Eleanor Cory, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College, M.A.T., Harvard Graduate School of Education, M.M., New England Conservatory, D.M.A., Columbia University

Mary V. Crowley, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Barry College, M.A., Adelphi University

Martha Clark Cummings, Associate Professor, English
B.A., New York University, M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Martin E. Danzig, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., St. John’s University, M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Rosaline M. Depas, Professor, English
B.A., University of London, England, M.A., Ph.D., University of the Saar, Germany

Alline C. DeVore, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., New York University, M.S., The City College of New York, Ed.D., Fordham University

Anthony DiLernia, Professor, Director, Maritime Program, Tourism & Hospitality
B.S., M.S., Professional Diploma, St. John’s University

Voorhees Dunn, Associate Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University

John Dydo, Associate Professor, Business
A.B., Columbia University, B.S., Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley

MaryAnn Edelman, Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., B.A., M.S., College of Staten Island

Susan Ednie, Lecturer, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.A., University of Rhode Island, M.A., Boston University, M.S.W., Fordham University

Ralph Edwards, Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., The City College of New York, M.S., University of Illinois, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Harold S. Engelsohn, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.A., Courant Institute, New York University

Jeptha A. Evans, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Arkansas Polytechnic College, M.F.A., University of Iowa

M. Reza Fakhari, Vice President for Workforce Development and Strategic Community Partnerships, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Winona State University, M.A., Ph.D., New School University

Susan Farrell, Professor and Chairperson, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Queens College, M.A., St. John’s University, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Joseph Feit, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Eileen Ferretti, Associate Professor and Chairperson, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Queens College, M. Philosophy, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Ellen Fine, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.A., Smith College, M.A., University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., New York University

Peter Fiume, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
A.A.S., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., Columbia University, M. Div., Union Theological Seminary, Ed.D., Columbia University, Teachers College

Ronald Forman, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College

Richard Fox, Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., University of Nebraska, Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo

David Frankel, Associate Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.F.A., New York Institute of Technology, M.S., St. John’s University

Clara J. Freeman, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., M.A., University of Tulsa, Ph.D., New York University

Sheldon Friedland, Professor, Tourism & Hospitality
B.S., M.S., Brooklyn College

Delores Friedman, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.S., Hunter College, Advanced Certificate in Administration and Supervision, Brooklyn College, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Morton L. Fuhr, Professor, English
A.B., A.M., Brooklyn College, Ed.D., New York University

Samuel Gale, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Queens College, M.F.A., Princeton University, M.S, Ph.D., New York University

Arnold Gallub, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., The City College of New York, M.S., Ph.D., New York University

Kate Garretson, Professor, English
B.A., Vassar College, M.A., M. Phil., Yale University, Ph.D., New York University

Barbara Ann Gattullo, Professor and Deputy Chairperson for Clinical Affiliations, Nursing
A.A.S., College of Staten Island, B.S.N., M.S.N., Hunter College

Jay Gelbein, Professor, Business
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.S., Long Island University, C.P.A., State of New York and State of New Jersey

Helen P. Gerardi, Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.A., M.S., Hunter College, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Irving Gersh, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.A., Brooklyn College, B.H.I., M.H.I., Jewish Theological Seminary, M.A., Columbia University, Ph.D., Brandeis University

Ronald Gerwin, Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.Ed., Temple University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Valerie Gill, Associate Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., B.S., Medgar Evers College, M.S., M.Ed., Teachers College, Columbia University

Barbara Ginsberg, Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation, Director, My Turn Program
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.S., University of Wisconsin, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Ilsa M. Glazer, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Brandeis University, Ph.D., University of Sussex

Connie Goldfarb, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services, Director, Early Childhood Education Program, Educational Studies
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S., Bank Street College of Education, M.A., Ph.D., Ferkauf Graduate School, Yeshiva University

Rachelle Goldsmith, Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation, Director, Collaborative Programs
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Gene Goldstein, Professor, Business
B.B.A., Baruch College, M.S., The City College of New York, Ph.D., New York University, C.P.A., State of New York

David Gómez, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., State Universtiy at Albany, SUNY, M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Miles Goodman, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.A., Yale University

Richard M. Graf, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.A., New York University, Ed.D., Columbia University

Richard Graziano, Professor, Tourism & Hospitality
B.A., M.A., St. John’s University, Professional Diploma, Queens College, Ed.D., Hofstra University

Leonard Green, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Hamilton College, Ph.D., Cornell University

Cindy Greenberg, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Queens College, M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Philip J. Greenberg, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.E.E., The City College of New York, M.S. (E.E.), M.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Ph.D., New York University

Carolyn Gribben, Assistant Professor, Student Development
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, Ph.D., Fordham University

Louise Grinstein, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B. A., M.A., State University of New York at Buffalo, SUNY, Ph.D., Columbia University

Joseph Guardino, Professor, Business
B.B.A., M.B.A., The City College of New York, J.D., New York Law School, C.P.A., State of New York and State of Florida

Barbara Gurski, Professor, Nursing
B.S., Boston College, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, R.N., St. Frances Hospital, School of Nursing

Norman Hanover, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
A.B., New York University, M.A., Harvard University

Helaine Harris, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services
B.S., State University of New York at Buffalo, SUNY, M.S.Ed., Pace University, Ph.D., Pace University, Certificate, Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis

Sherry H. Harris, Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.A., M.S., Herbert H. Lehman College, M.Ed., Teachers College, Columbia University

Gloria P. Hartman, Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S., Philippine Women’s University, M.A., University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, R.N., St. Paul School of Nursing, Philippines

Patricia Hazlewood, Associate Professor, Co-Director Community Health Programs, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., Howard University, M.S., Hunter College, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

David C. Henry, Professor, Secretarial/Office Administration
B.S., Maryland State College, M.A., New York University

Julio Hernández-Miyares, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.A., Colegio de Belen, Cuba, LL.D., University of Havana, Cuba, M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Cliff Hesse, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., New York University

Morton Hirsch, Associate Professor, Business
B.B.A., M.B.A., The City College of New York

Alphonse Homeha, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Lane College, M.A., New York University

Florence Houser, Professor, Library
B.A., Brooklyn College, B.S., Columbia University, M.A., Hebrew College

Despoina Ikaris, Professor, English
B.A., M.A., University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D., University of London, England

Louise Jaffe, Professor, English
B.A., Queens College, M.A., Hunter College, Ph.D., University of Nebraska, M.F.A., Brooklyn College

Samuel Jaffe, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., Long Island University, M.S., Ph.D., New York University

Diana Kalechman, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Universidad Simon Rodriguez, M.A., New York University

Richard Kamen, Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., M.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., Ohio State University

Michel Kanter, Professor, Art
Diploma/Advertising, Diploma/Tapestry, National School of Fine Arts, France, Diploma/Superior, Plastic Art, National Superior School of Fine Arts, France

Bella Kanturek, Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S., M.A., New York University, R.N., Mount Sinai Hospital, School of Nursing

Joseph Karasyk, Associate Professor, Business
B.B.A., M.B.A., Baruch College, C.P.A., State of New York

Moses Karman, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College

Anna Karpathakis, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Queens College, M.A., M.Ph., Ph.D., Columbia University

Loretta Kasper, Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, B.A., College of Staten Island, M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers University

Ernece B. Kelly, Associate Professor, English
B.A., M.A., University of Chicago, Ph.D., Northwestern University

Margaret R. Kibbee, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.S., College of Mount St. Vincent, M.A., Middlebury College, Ed.D., Nova University

Irene R. Kiernan, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., College of Mount St. Vincent, M.A., Fordham University, Ph.D., New York University

Helen Kirshblum, Assistant Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.S., M.A., New York University

Miriam Kittrell, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.S., New York University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Oliver Klapper, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Frances Kraljic-Curran, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences, Director, Liberal Arts Program
B.A., Georgian Court College, M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Conrad Kreuter, Lecturer, Tourism & Hospitality
B.S., M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology

Isabelle A. Krey, Professor, Office Administration/Technology
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., New York University

Suzanne LaFont, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services,
B.A., University of Michigan, M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University

Yvonne G. Laurenty, Associate Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Columbia University, Ed.D., Temple University

Milton A. Levy, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Upsala College, M.A., University of Wisconsin

Ronna Levy, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., University of Massachusetts, M.F.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., Union Institute and University

H. Desmond Lewis, Associate Professor, Student Development
B.S., M. A., New York University, Ed.D, Teachers College, Columbia University

Rachel B. Lieff, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., B.E., University of Cincinnati, M.A., Columbia University

Vincent Liguori, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., St. Francis College, M.S., Long Island University Ph.D., New York University

Georgia Lind, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
A.B., Ph.D., University of Chicago

Rose Litvack, Professor, Business
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College, C.P.A., State of New York

Manel Lledos, Professor, Art
B.A., Mila I. Fontanals, Spain, M.F.A., University of Barcelona, Spain

Eduardo Lolo, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.A., Central University, Matanzas, Cuba, M.A., The City College of New York, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Simeon P. Loring, Professor, Music
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Natasha Lvovich, Professor, English,
B.A., M.A., Moscow Linguistic University, Ph.D., Union Graduate School

Consolacion Magdangal, Assistant Professor, Business
B.S.C., M.A., Far Eastern University, Philippines, M.B.A., New York University

Fred B. Malamet, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, Ed.D., Rutgers University

Florence Maloney, Professor, Office Administration/Technology
B.B.A., Pace College, M.S., Hunter College, Ed.D., St. John’s University

John B. Manbeck, Professor, English
A.B., Bucknell University, M.A., New York University

Theodore C. Markus, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Brooklyn College, M.S., University of Michigan, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Laurel Marshall, Assistant Professor, Tourism & Hospitality
B.S., Emerson College, M.P.S., New School for Social Research

Anthony Martin, Professor, Art
B.S., Hunter College, M.F.A., The City College of New York

Edward Martin, Professor, Business
B.A., Queens College, M.S., P.D., Ed.D., St. John’s University

Sylvia F. Martin, Professor, Nursing
B.S., Hunter College, M.A., New York University, R.N., State of New York

Inez A. Martinez, Professor, English
B.S., M.A., St. Louis University, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at Madison

Theresa Mastrianni, Associate Professor, Business
B.S., State University College at Oneonta, SUNY, M.B.Ed., New York University

Fredric Mayerson, Professor, Business
B.A., New York University, M.S., P.D., M.B.A., Ph.D., St. John’s University

Betsy McCully, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Ph.D., George Washington University

Gloria McDonnell, Professor, Office Administration Technology
B.B.A., St. John’s University, M.A., College of St. Rose, Ph.D., New York University

William B. McKinney, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
A.B., Princeton University, M.A., Columbia University, Diploma, Julliard School of Music, D.M.A., University of Cincinnati

Janice Mehlman, Professor, Art
B.A., M.F.A., Brooklyn College

Charles H. Metz, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.B.A., St. John’s University, M.S., University of Notre Dame

Norma Miles, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., M.A., University of California at Los Angeles, Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara

Joyce Miller, Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.A., Brown University, M.A., New York University, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Michael Miranda, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.B.A., Baruch College, M.S., Nova University, Ph.D., New York University

Rebecca K. Mlynarczyk, Professor, English
B.A., Purdue University, M.A., Northwestern University, Ph.D., New York University

Max Mlynarski, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of New York

Andre Montero, Professor, Business
A.A.S., Staten Island Community College, B.B.A., M.B.A., Pace University, C.P.A., State of New York

Juan Morales-Flores, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.S., University of Puerto Rico, M.S. Ed., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

Josephine Murphy, Associate Professor and Chief Librarian, Library
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, M.S., Pratt University

Joseph N. Muzio, Professor, Biological Sciences Director, Marine Education Program
B.A., Queens College, M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Kenneth R. Neuberger, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
B.A., University of Connecticut, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley

Gloria Nicosia, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., Hunter College, M.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., New York University

Edward Nober, Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., Brooklyn College, Certificate of Proficiency in Physical Therapy, University of Pennsylvania, M.A., Columbia University

Thomas I. Nonn, Professor, Art
B.S., Manhattan College, M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Mitchell Okun, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., University of Minnesota, Ph.M., Ph.D., Graduate School, The City University of New York

G. Curtis Olsen, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Augustana College, M. A., University of Wisconsin, Ph.D., University of Kentucky

Susan O’Malley, Professor, English
A.B., Smith College, M.A., Ph.D., Tulane University

Dianna Oratz, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., New York University

Coleridge Orr, Associate Professor, Library
B.A., Queens’s College, Canada, M.A., Carleton University, Canada, M.L.S., Pratt Institute, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Mary Thereasa Ortiz, Professor, Biological Sciences,
B.S., Wagner College, M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers University

Alfonso Garcia Osuna, Professor and Chairperson, World Languages and Cultures​
A.A., Nassau Community College, B.A., M.A., Queens College, Ph.D., Graduate School, The City University of New York

Benjamin Pacheco, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Inter-American University, Puerto Rico, M.S.W., New York University

Anthony Padovano, Professor, Art
B.F.A., Columbia University, M.A., Hunter College

Evelio Penton, Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures
Bachiller, Instituto de Santa Clara, Cuba, Pe.D., Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, Diploma de Estudios, Centro de Estudios del I.N.P.R.S., Cuba, M.A., Columbia University

Judith A. Perez, Associate Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.A., M.S., Hunter College

Arnold E. Perlmutter, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
A.B., A.M., Boston University

Regina S. Peruggi, President, Professor, Business
B.A., College of New Rochelle, M.B.A., New York University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Barbara Petrello, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., McGill University, M.A., Middlebury College, Ed.D., Rutgers University

Angelica Petrides, Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

Mariya Petrova, Lecturer, Mathematics & Computer Science
M.A., Saratov University, Russia

Roberta E. Pike, Assistant Professor, Library
A.B., Hunter College, M.A., New York University, M.L.S., Pratt Institute

Peter Pilchman, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.A., Queens College, Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Naomi Platt, Professor, Office Administration and Technology
B.S., M.S., The City College of New York, Ed.D., Rutgers University

Frances Mostel Poggioli, Professor, Office Administration & Technology
B.B.A., St. John’s University, M.S., Long Island University, R.R.T.

John R. Price, Associate Professor, English
A.B. Ph.L., M.A. Th.L., St. Louis University, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Anna Procyk, Associate Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University

Ella Puccio, Assistant, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Boston University, M.S.W., Hunter College, D.S.W., Adelphi University

Morris Rabinowitz, Associate Professor, Student Development
B.A., The City College of New York, M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Stanley Rabinowitz, Associate Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., The City College of New York, M.S., New York University, Ph.D., The City University of New York

Sylvia Resnick, Assistant Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., New York University

Eva H. Richter, Assistant Professor, English
A.M., University of Chicago

Theresa M. Rodin, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., St. John’s University, M.A., Columbia University, R.N., St. Michael’s School of Nursing

Jennie Roman, Assistant Professor, Student Development
A.A., Kingsborough Community College, B.A., M.S., Brooklyn College, Ed.M., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Irwin Rosenthal, Professor, Student Development
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Columbia University, Ph.D., New York University

Julius I. Rosenthal, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., The City College of New York, M.S., New York University

William L. Rovers, Professor, Student Development, Director College Discovery Program
B.S., Tennessee A&I University, M.S.W., Ed.D., Fordham University

Gordon A. Rowell, Professor, Library
B.A., Bowdoin College, B.S., Columbia University, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

Cecila Salber, Associate Professor, Library
B.A., York College, M.S., Pratt Institute, M.A., College of Staten Island

Jacqueline Scerbinski, Associate Professor, Business
A.A., Packer Junior College, B.A., Hunter College, M.B.A., St. John’s University

Adele Schneider, Professor, Library
B.A. Brooklyn College, M.L.S., Pratt Institute, M.A., Long Island University

Florence Schneider, Associate Professor, Director, Education Program, Behavioral Science & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., New York University, Ph.D., Capella University

Ronald Schwartz, Professor, World Languages and Cultures
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ph.D., University of Connecticut

Marvin I. Shapiro, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., The City College of New York, M.B.A., Baruch College, Ph.D., Wayne State University

Michael Z. Sherker, Professor, Art
A.B., Brooklyn College, M.S.Des., University of Michigan, Ed.D., Columbia University

Louis Shor, Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., Long Island University, M.S., Brooklyn College

Dolores Shrimpton, Professor, Nursing
R.N., Kings County Hospital Center School of Nursing, B.S., Long Island University, M.A., New York University

Laurence Simon, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., College of New York, Ph.D., New York University

Robert Singer, Professor, English
B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University

Denis Sivack, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Siena College, M.A., Fordham University

Franceska Smith, Associate Professor, Director, Education Associate Program, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Radcliff College, M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Joyce R. Socolof, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., New York University, M.A., Hunter College, Diploma, Bellevue Hospital School of Nursing

Eleanor L. Spitzer, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Hunter College, M.A., California State University

Susan Spivack, Associate Professor, Art
A.A.S., Fashion Institute of Technology, B.F.A., School of Visual Arts, M.A., Pratt Institute

Philip Stander, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S., Queens College, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Joan Standora, Associate Professor, Director, Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counseling Program, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.A., New Jersey State University

Richard Staum, Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science
A.B., A.M., Columbia University, Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of New York

Barbara Steffen, Professor, Tourism & Hospitality
B.A., Dickinson College, M.A., Ed.D., George Washington University

John O. H. Stigall, Professor, English
A.B., Dartmouth College, B.A., M.A., Magdalen College, Oxford University, LL.B., Georgetown University, M.A., University of Kansas City, M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado

C. Frederick Stoerker, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
A.A., St. Joseph Junior College of Missouri, S.T.B., Boston University, A.B., Baker University, Kansas, Ph.D., Missouri University

Stuart Suss, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., The City College of New York, M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Samuel A. Taitt, Professor, Communications & Performing Arts
B.A., M.F.A., Brooklyn College

Silvea Thomas, Professor, Co-Director, Community Health Programs, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.A., Open University, England, M.P.H., Ed.D., Columbia University

Elizabeth Tompkins, Associate Professor, Library
B.S., Syracuse University, M.S., Pace University, M.L.S., Pratt Institute

Alfredo Torres, Professor and Director, Health Services Center
B.S., M.S., Instituto del Carmen, Colombia, Ph.D., Javeriana University, Colombia

Angelo Tripicchio, Professor, Library
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.L.S., Queens College, M.A., Long Island University

August Tuosto, Professor, Marine Education
B.A., M.A., New York University

Vimla P. Vadhan, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Jai Hind College, India, M.A., Bombay University, India, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Richard Vagge, Associate Professor, Business
B.B.A., M.B.A., The City College of New York, C.P.A., State of New York

Margaret Vanderbeek, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., Hunter College, M.S., Wagner College

Concetta Vinciguerra-Orsini, Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Long Island University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Robert R. Viscount, Assistant Professor, English
A.B., University of the Pacific, Diploma in Education, University of East Africa, M.A., Columbia University

Morton Wagman, Professor, History, Philosophy & Political Sciences
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University

Barbara R. Walters, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Vanderbilt University, M.A., Ph.D., Stony Brook University, SUNY

Delores Washington, Professor, Nursing
B.S., Hampton Institute, Division of Nursing, M.Ed., Columbia University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University, R.N.,State of New York

Bridget Weeks, Professor and Chairperson, Nursing
B.S., Hunter College, M.S., Lehman College, Post Master’s Certificate, Hunter College

Edward Wiener, Professor, Business
B.B.A., St. John’s University, M.A., New School for Social Research, C.P.A., State of New York

Walter Weintraub, Professor, Business
B.S., M.B.A., New York University

Barbara Weiserbs, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., M.S., Brooklyn College, Ph.D., New York University

S. Tara Weiss, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center

Judith Wilde, Professor, Art
B.F.A., M.F.A., School of Visual Arts, M.A., Goddard College
B.A., Talladega College, M.A., Brooklyn College

Eric Willner, Professor, Student Development
B.A., M.S., Yeshiva University, Ph.D., New York University

Anne Winchell, Professor, Student Development
B.A., William Smith College, M.A., New York University, Ph.D., Fordham University

Jack S. Wolkenfeld, Professor, English
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University

Harvey A. Yablonsky, Professor, Physical Sciences
B.S., M.A., Brooklyn College, M.S., Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology

Marvin Yanofsky, Associate Professor, Business
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., Yeshiva University

William C. Yenna, Professor, Business
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.A., New York University

Merrill Youkeles, Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services
B.A., Brooklyn College, M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania,
Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Zev Zahavy, Professor, English
B.A., M.H.L., Ph.D., Yeshiva University

Jorge Zamudio, Assistant Professor, Director Surgical Technology, Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services
B.S., Bloomfield College, M.S., Nyack College

Arthur N. Zeitlin, Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Long Island University, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Michael Zibrin, Professor, Business
A.A., Chicago City College, A.B., M.B.A., University of Chicago,
Ed.D., Rutgers University

Nikola Zlatar, Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education & Recreation
B.S., M.A., New York University