Feb 14, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog 
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduation Requirements and Awards

Graduation Requirements

To satisfy the requirements for the associate degree a variety of requirements must be satisfied.  Eligibility for graduation requires the completion of one of the programs of study as outlined within the Academic Programs section of this catalog.  Some departments also require a minimum grade point average for specific courses, refer to the Academic Program and Course Description sections of this catalog.

In general, the requirements include:

  1. College Requirements
    1. English and Math proficient as determined by the CUNY Proficiency Index, unless otherwise exempt, or successful completion of any required developmental course(s).

    2. Writing Intensive Course - One (1) course

    3. Civic Engagement - One (1) Civic Engagement experience

  2. CUNY Common Core Pathways
    1. Required Core - Depending on the major, courses in English Composition, Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning, and Life and Physical Sciences

    2. Flexible Core - Depending on the major, courses in World Cultures and Global Issues, U.S. Experience in its Diversity, Creative Expression, Individual and Society, and Scientific World
  3. Requirements of the Major and Elective Credits
    Specified courses as required for the major by the academic department for each degree program as well as any electives

  4. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)
    A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 on Degree and Certificate programs

  5. Matriculated Status
    Must be matriculated during the last term of attendance at Kingsborough

  6. Residency
    30 credits must be completed in residency at Kingsborough

  7. Minimum Credits for the Degree
    A minimum of 60 credits is required for all degree programs. However, some programs require additional credits. Consult this catalog for credit information on each major.


Some degree programs may have their own grade regulations for course enrollment and/or continuation in the program. A review of degree requirements occurs during registration and advisement and can be verified on the Student Advisement Degree Audit.

Students can review their progress towards graduation on-line anytime by checking the Student Advisement Degree Audit by accessing https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/registrar/degree_works.html

Filing for Graduation

Each of the three graduation filing periods (for an August, January, or June degree) has a deadline. In order to graduate and be issued a diploma, all students must file an application for graduation by the filing period deadline listed on the Academic Calendar so their records can be reviewed. The student must be matriculated during their last term of attendance at Kingsborough Community College. Students cannot matriculate for the winter or summer modules. An online application, via CUNYfirst, is available only to students currently enrolled. To file online, once the filing period opens, go to CUNYfirst, Academics, Student Center. 


Winter coursework does not count towards a January degree nor does Summer coursework count towards a June degree.  Module courses always count forward to the next degree filing period.  For example, students enrolled in the Winter Module will file for June graduation, students enrolled in the Summer Module will file for August graduation. 

In order to receive a Kingsborough degree, a student is required to have completed the final 30 credits toward that degree while enrolled at Kingsborough (in residency). Where one or more credit-bearing courses to be included in this sum are to be earned at another institution, prior permission must be obtained from the Committee on Academic Review. Each request for permission will be considered case-by-case on the merits of the individual circumstances. No permission will be granted if the total of the course credits result in less than 30 Kingsborough credits completed for the degree.

A graduate whose cumulative grade point average is between 3.50 and 4.00 shall be graduated with honors. The term “With Honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted in the commencement program.

Writing Intensive Courses

Many faculty across Kingsborough teach courses that are designated “Writing Intensive.” Faculty who teach these courses recognize that writing about texts we’ve read is the best way to process our thinking about those texts. That is, writing about texts helps us generate, evaluate, and clarify our thinking and recognize where texts are confusing, biased, unclear, and so on. To help students recognize how crucial writing is to the processing of their thinking, Kingsborough implemented a policy whereby students who entered Kingsborough must complete at least one (1) Writing Intensive course before graduation. While there are a variety of options for fulfilling the Writing Intensive requirement, because students might need more time to write about the texts they read in class, Writing Intensive sections are only offered in the Fall and Spring sessions (12-week semester).

To find the courses in all the different departments that are designated as Writing Intensive follow these steps:

  • Log on to CUNYfirst
  • Select Search for Classes
  • Select the Institution from the drop-down menu (i.e., Kingsborough CC)
  • Select the Term from the drop-down menu in which you are looking for a Writing Intensive course. 
  • Select the Course Attribute drop-down menu and choose Writing Intensive
  • Select the Course Attribute Value drop-down menu and choose Writing intensive
  • Keep the box labeled Show Open Classes Only checked 
  • Finally, click the Search button - the list that results from your search includes all of the writing intensive courses available in the term that you chose

Writing Intensive courses are available in many departments. The key is to look at what courses you need to complete your degree and then enroll in a Writing Intensive course section that satisfies one (1) of your degree requirements. 

Civic Engagement

Kingsborough accepts as a fundamental principle that education requires social awareness, an acceptance of social responsibility and active participation in meeting the challenges of a modern society. Through civic engagement, we recognize our mutual responsibility to care for each other in the college, in our communities, and on our planet. This responsibility may be accomplished through political activity, community service, engagement in leadership roles, advocacy, or becoming informed on issues that relate to social change. Therefore, civic engagement at Kingsborough seeks to foster civic awareness while providing the skills needed for our students to actively participate in their communities.


Civic Engagement Learning Outcomes

Civic Engagement consists of three domains – Political Knowledge, Civic Knowledge, and Social Responsibility.  Below are the definitions for each domain and their accompanying Course Embedded Learning Outcomes:

Civic Engagement Domain Definition Course Embedded Learning Outcomes
Political Knowledge Fundamental understanding of the structures and processes by which laws and policies are created
  1. Demonstrates understanding of how the process, principles, and structure of governments and political institutions affect individuals in society.
  2. Examines the importance of key historical struggles and social movements that sought/seek to encourage change
Civic Knowledge Understanding of the diverse forces that shape political systems and civic life
  1. Connects knowledge from one’s own academic study/field/discipline to civic engagement
  2. Analyze and discuss the role that race, ethnicity, class, gender, language, sexual orientation, belief or other forms of social differentiation play in world culture or societies.
Social Responsibility Framework of obligations and actions by individuals or organizations in the interest of working towards an equitable society
  1. Recognizes that different attitudes and beliefs are as valuable as one’s own. 
  2. Examines the importance of behaving ethically and with due sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, environmental, and academic issues.
  3. Understands the individual’s role in working towards equity.


Civic Engagement Assessment

The common assessment measure for all civic engagement experiences is a reflective assignment with an accompanying rubric.

How Students Will Satisfy the Civic Engagement Requirement

Beginning Fall 2019, students are required to have a minimum of one (1) civic engagement experience before graduation. No additional courses are needed to fulfill this requirement. Please see an academic advisor before registering. There are three ways to satisfy this requirement:

  1. Certified Civic Engagement (CE) Course
    Certain courses required for the major, and/or to fulfill the CUNY Core, include civic engagement as essential and integral to their learning outcomes. In such a course, a student must pass the course to satisfy one of their CE experiences. These courses are indicated on CUNYfirst.  
  2. Component Civic Engagement (CE) Course
    A portion of some courses’ contents—particular topics, chapters, activities, field trips—is devoted to civic engagement. Such a course offers students an opportunity to link academic concepts and a commitment to the community. *Please note this option is not currently available. 
  3. Non-Course Related Civic Engagement (CE)
    Students who wish to satisfy a civic engagement experience independent of a Kingsborough course must obtain prior approval. Non-course-related experiences will be publicized as they become available. *Please note that this option is only available for limited non-course related experiences such as Service Learning opportunities (for further information go to https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/service_learning/home.html ) or participation in select campus events such as ECO-Fest.

​All of the above options go through a Civic Engagement Certification process.  For additional information concerning Civic Engagement, visit https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/civic_engagement/Homepage.htmlfor certification please visit: https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/aa/forms.html


Annual Awards

Annual awards are given to graduating students who achieve academic excellence in their various disciplines, and to students who give outstanding service to the college through campus involvement, student government and/or other student activities. The Faculty Committee on Awards administers the annual Awards Program. The Awards Ceremony is part of the two-day Commencement Exercises at Kingsborough and is usually held the evening before Commencement. Families and friends of the awardees are invited to the annual Awards Ceremony to share in the celebration of the students’ success.

The Faculty Committee on Awards also selects the salutatorian and valedictorian. All graduating students who have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 4.00 and have no more than 12 transfer credits accepted to Kingsborough are invited to be considered for the salutatorian and valedictorian selection.

For students who are graduating and beginning to apply to four-year colleges, speak with your Academic Advisor for information on transfer scholarship opportunities offered by four-year colleges.

Honors and Phi Theta Kappa students are urged to contact the Honor’s Office in M-377 or call 718-368-5365 for prestigious scholarships.

Academic Awards

For information about Academic Awards, contact the Department Chair.

Department of Allied Health, Mental Health and Human Services:

Addiction Studies Award
Mental Health and Human Services Program Award
Paramedic Program Award
Physical Therapist Assistant Program Award
Polysomnographic Technology Award
Substance Abuse Counseling Certificate Award
Surgical Technology Award


Department of Art:

Fine Arts Award
Graphic Design and Illustration Award


Department of Behavioral Sciences:

Behavioral and Human Sciences Award
Criminal Justice Award
Early Childhood Education Award
Education Studies Award


Department of Biological Sciences:

Biological Sciences Department Award
Biotechnology Award
Dr. Carol Biermann Endowed Scholarship Award for Excellence in Biological Sciences
James Goetz Endowed Scholarship


Department of Business:

Accounting Program Award
Business Administration Program Award
Business of Fashion Award
Fashion Design Award
Jules A. Hager Graduation Award
Mark and Laurie Seruya and Mark and Gina Levy Endowed Scholarship Award
Maxine McGarvey Business and Service Award
Maxine McGarvey Marketing and Service Award
Murray Rothenburg Scholarship Award


Department of Communications and Performing Arts:

Avid Technology Most Promising Video Editor Award 
Broadway Stages Scholarship Award 
Cliff Hesse Scholarship
Communications Award (Funded in Memory of Amy Bergenfeld)
Marion A. Lipton Award for Excellence in Speech Communication
Media Technology and Management Award
Speech Communications Award
Theater Arts Award     


Department of English:

English Award
Journalism and Print Media Program Award   
Stephen Weidenborner Memorial Prize


Department of World Languages and Cultures:

World Languages Award
Hebrew/Yiddish Scholastic Studies Award (Funded in Memory of Professor Louis Milrod)


Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation:

Catherine A. Dachtera Award 
Community Health Program Award
Exercise/Personal Training Program Award
Health, Physical Education and Recreation Award
Patricia Hazlewood Spirit of Community Health Award
Physical Education Program Award 
Recreation and Recreation Therapy Award   
Robert Lawrence and Karen Denard Goldman Community Health Endowed Scholarship Award


Department of History, Philosophy and Political Science:

Dr. Bernard Klein Memorial Award for Excellence in History, Philosophy, and Political Science
History Studies Award
Lawrence Suss Memorial Award for Excellence in History, Philosophy, and Political Science
Philosophy Studies Award
Political Science Award


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science:

Computer Information Systems Award
Computer Science Program Award
Mathematics Program Award
Mu Alpha Theta Scholarship Award (Funded in Memory of Robert Siegel)


Department of Nursing:

Nursing Scholastic Award
Nursing Almuni Scholarship for Excellence in Service to Others


Department of Physical Sciences:

Chemistry Award
Earth and Planetary Science Award
Engineering Science Award
Physics Program Award
Science of Forensics Award


Department of Tourism and Hospitality:

Borgese Family Graduation Award in Hotel Management
Culinary Arts Program Award
Maritime Technology Award
New York Council Navy League Graduation Award
Tourism and Hospitality Award
Virtual Enterprise Award (In Memory of Jeffrey Ladman)



Dr. Frances Kraljic-Curran Liberal Arts Scholarship
Women’s and Gender Studies Program Award


Special Awards

Charlotte Keller Marmaros Scholarship for Promising Professionals in Gerontology
Creative Writing Scholarship Award Fiction and Poetry
CUNY EDGE Awards for Academic Excellence
David B. Silver Scholarship Award
Dean Marilyn Chernin Student Leader Endowed Service Award
Gladys Brooks Foundation Scholarship Endowment for Student Leadership and Academic Excellence
Harry Ritchin Memorial Scholarship for Promising Professionals in Geriatrics
Honors Curriculum Strand in Nursing Achievement Certificate
Honors Program Award
Israel and Julia Glasser Scholarship for Political Science
Jerry Kenney Fund for Outdoor Writers
Joseph Hinkley Commuter to Campus Scholarship
Karen Karlin G.E.D. Scholarship
Karlene and Michael Gooding Scholarship Award
Kathleen Pappagallo Kingsborough Ambassador’s Scholarship Award
KCC Alumni Association Scholarship Award
KCC Retirees Scholarship Award
Leon M. Goldstein Scholarship Award for Academic Excellence and Community Service
Lucille Nieporent Memorial Award
Maria Ganci-Spinazzola College Now Graduation Award
Millie and Maurice Singer Scholarship Award
New Start Program (Funded by Chase Philanthropies)
Otis Hill Scholarship (Funded by the KCC Alumni Association)
Presidential Honors Scholars Certificate
Rachelle Goldsmith College Now Program Award
Regina S. Peruggi Endowed Scholarship
Salutatorian Award
Science Scholars Award (Funded in Honor of Dean Thelma Malle)
Student Leadership Service Award
Suzanne Murphy and Jeff Barker Endowed Scholarship 
Valedictorian Award (Funded in Memory of Fred F. Addes)
WAVE Scholarship Awards
Yuet Chun & Tai Yee Ma Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund


Student Services Awards:

Gold Awards
Silver Awards
Bronze Awards
Certificate of Recognition


Special Service Awards:

Anthony F. Russo Student Leadership Service Award
Child Care Center Memorial Service Award (Funded in Memory of Muriel Langsam)
Library Award
Joan De Freitas Endowed Scholarship
Student Ambassador Service Award (Funded by the My Turn Students)
Student Service Award (Funded in Memory of Dr. Max Koch)