HEGIS: 5004.00
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Prof. Theresa Mastrianni
The Business of Fashion AAS degree exposes students to marketing and merchandising in the fashion industry. The degree has aligned with the needs of employers in the fashion industry to prepare students for entry-level positions within the field. The curriculum is designed to ensure graduates are able to explain and evaluate marketing and merchandising strategies, identify short and long-term trends for development of new products, identify the impact of roles, skills and responsibilities of supervisors managing an organization, and includes hands-on training through field work experience.
The curriculum presented here applies to students who started the major in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021. If you enrolled as a matriculant prior to that, please see the College Catalog for the year you started the major as a matriculant for the curriculum requirements that apply to you.
Consultation with the Program Advisor is required.
Degree Map:
Degree Map for The Business of Fashion, A.A.S.
Your Degree Map contains the suggested term-by-term course sequence for your academic path towards graduation.
To ensure successful and timely completion of your degree, it is recommended that you meet with your academic advisor to discuss your unique map.
Please note some courses may only be offered once an academic year.